
DSF 2024:建筑无障碍 & 为人类和地球可持续发展的网站.


Green code: building accessible and sustainable websites for people and the planet

In this workshop, you’ll learn development techniques to help make your site more sustainable and accessible, w在这里 the two intersect and complement one another, and how teams can embed the process from start 完成.


的 互联网排放了大量的二氧化碳. 事实上,这是估计的 that across the world, the collective carbon consumption of the internet is equivalent to that of the entire airline industry (Source: 气候保护)——大约是3.全球总排放量的7%(来源:BBC). But the good news is if you're already working towards making your site both accessible and performant, you are probably a good chunk of the way towards creating more sustainable products and services.


根据 到WebAIM的2024年百万报告,96.3%的测试主页呈现 易于预防的无障碍问题. 考虑可访问性和 inclusion in your approach to design will benefit all your users. Crafting accessible products and services isn’t just a checkbox 锻炼. And it’s not just an effort to meet legislative compliance, but instead a golden opportunity for organisations to embrace accessibility as a core principle, and deliver the best user experience 对所有.

In this workshop, you’ll learn development techniques to help make your site more sustainable and accessible, w在这里 the two intersect and complement one another, and how teams can embed the 从头到尾处理.


  • 如何对网站的碳排放量进行基准测试
  • Best practice for building sustainable websites
  • 编写绿色代码的实际示例
  • 如何构建网站的可访问性
  • 如何使用屏幕阅读器
  • Practical examples of how to test for accessibility

As part of the workshop participants will be shown how to benchmark their sites for sustainability and learn some of the key aspects of creating a 环保网站.

Participants will also get the chance to explore assistive technology on their own devices, and a simulation of the user experience of individuals with various disabilities.

Ahead of the workshop, we encourage attendees to install the Chrome extension http://wave.webaim.org/extension/ 和Windows用户请安装 http://www.nvaccess.org/download/


瑞秋的微风 has been a developer for over 25 years, working in the 微软 .网 堆栈. Rachel has been working with Umbraco since 2012 and is a 4x Umbraco MVP. She is passionate about accessibility, supporting and encouraging future developers, and in her spare time she enjoys scuba 潜水. 她还喝了大量的茶.

瑞克巴特菲尔德 has been a software developer for 12 years, is an Umbraco MVP, and has experience of building bespoke web and mobile solutions primarily in the 微软 .网络堆栈. He has a keen interest in emerging technologies and is passionate about accessibility and creating sustainable solutions 为客户.



这 event is part of Professional Development Day, the final day of the 数字技能节2024. 数字技能节是一年一度的 event hosted by Manchester Digital, aimed at bringing the tech community in the North West together to build our digital future. 这个事件,以及 all events within the Festival, are free to attend thanks to the 我们赞助商的慷慨支持.

To learn more about the Festival: http://digitalskillsfestival.com/



By booking a ticket to this event, you agree to our event cancellation policy: http://mona.osgoodschlattersurgery.com/event-cancellation-policy.

All Manchester Digital events are designed to be inclusive and we ad在这里 to a strict code of conduct which you can view 在这里.


By securing a ticket for this event you are consenting to receive information from Manchester Digital regarding the logistics of this event and a follow-up email post-event, we may also need to share any access requirements you have provided with a 3rd party such as the 聚会地点.

在我们发送你的后续事件之后 email we will hold your data for no longer than 6 months and during this time we will not share your information with third parties or contact you, unless you have given us consent to do so. 保存您的数据 this period will only be to explicitly recap on the success of our 运动. After this period, the information you have provided will be 删除. If you would like us to delete your information sooner, please 让我们知道.

如果你想被联系 regarding other events and services that Manchester Digital produce then you will need to specifically opt into our mailing list 在这里.

2024年2月9日 14:00

