
DSF 2024: Yoga for Desk Workers with Feather 和 Rock yoga

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数字技能节2024: Yoga for Desk Workers with feather 和 rock yoga

工作 at a desk or computer all day takes its toll on the body 和 the mind. 这 40 minute online session will help to alleviate achy shoulders, necks 和 lower backs with simple exercises that gently stretch 和 加强. feather 和 rock invites you to carve out some time during your working day to use your computer for your positive well-being.


的 session will be hosted online so make sure your laptop or device is plugged in so you don't loose charge in the middle of a posture. 请 wear comfortable clothing (cosy jumpers 和 socks are recommended for 放松). If you have a yoga mat - roll it out, if you don't a 毛巾或晨衣就可以了. 带条毯子裹在身上 在松弛中.

这届会议非常适合 ...

任何人! 的 poses are tailored to be particularly helpful for people who work at a desk a lot, but will benefit anyone 和 everyone. 所有姿势都是 optional, 和 an easy/hard version will be available.


朱迪 (founder of feather 和 rock) has practiced yoga for almost 20 years, 和 has learned styles in both India 和 China, before completing her 200hour Yoga Teacher 培训 on the Baltic isl和 of Hiiumaa, Estonia. W在这里ver she goes in the world, yoga comes with her, as a way to slow down, connect the body 和 the mind, keep healthy, 和 even to just 在漫长的一天之后伸展一下.

Her classes are a hybrid of Eastern 和 Western-style practices, 和 her sole focus is making people feel good. She is trained in Vinyasa 和 Hatha yoga, as well as in the Special Yoga technique which helps people with autism through yoga 和 breathwork. She hosts group sessions as well as 1-1's with people who need help with insomnia, fatigue, menopause, training for a marathon, 和 everything 在这两者之间...

feather 和 rock was set up as a way to bring yoga to 'every body' with focus on the feel-good factor rather than the Instagram-able poses that we see on social media. 羽毛提醒我们 you to bring a lightness to your mind whilst the rock is a reminder for 身体要保持接地气.





这 event is part of Professional Development Day, the final day of the 数字技能节2024. 的 Digital 技能节 is an annual event hosted by Manchester Digital, aimed at bringing the tech community in the North West together to build our digital future. 这个事件,以及 all events within the Festival, are free to attend thanks to the 我们赞助商的慷慨支持.

To learn more about the Festival: http://digitalskillsfestival.com/



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By securing a ticket for this event you are consenting to receive information from Manchester Digital regarding the logistics of this event 和 a follow-up email post-event, we may also need to share any access requirements you have provided with a 3rd party such as the 聚会地点.

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2024年2月9日 13:00

