
认识一下Seb Trebaczkiewicz,他是6point6的企业架构主管




Seb explains why 6point6’s leadership and management ethos creates the optimum environment for designing the right solutions for our clients.


As Head of Enterprise Architecture, I lead 6point6’s team of Enterprise Architects. Our job is to oversee the design and delivery of bespoke enterprise architecture projects, ensuring that technology strategies align with our customer’s long-term goals and objectives. We do this by looking at the transformation our customers want to affect and examining how technology can be the enabler of real outcomes – whether that’s improved end user experiences, 更大的弹性, 或者进化的服务.

Implementing the right solutions requires having a deep understanding of how an enterprise operates – so no stone is left unturned! 我们与客户一起找出绊脚石, 从探索组织结构, 业务流程和策略, 价值流, 数据和信息, 以及配套技术.

Organisations are dealing with constant change as new demands rapidly emerge. 在这种环境下,管理风险也成为一项更加复杂的任务. That’s where we as Enterprise Architects step in to help organisations plan and execute change successfully. It’s easy to get swept up in technology trends without considering how these can play a part in the business in the long term. But looking at our clients’ strategic objectives - where they want to be - and matching their ambitions enables us to create digital ecosystems that support their goals and deliver value to the business. 


在企业架构中没有典型的一天! My job is probably 90% collaboration, and much of my time is spent meeting clients and my colleagues. 6point6近年来发展迅速, 但我们希望保持我们的紧密联系,以确保每个人, 不管他们在这里待了多久,也不管他们在哪个队, 能感觉到他们的归属吗.

I work with my team to empower and support them to solve key challenges and complex problems. 我们的客户总是在寻找富有想象力的人, 鼓舞人心的, and forward-thinking ideas - and it’s my job to create the right environment for my team to make this happen. I believe that harnessing the collective power of our people requires giving them space to innovate and learn. The best thing I can do as a leader is to recognise my team’s unique strengths and passions, 鼓励他们寻找成功, 并指导他们取得比他们想象的更多的成就.

I feel lucky to be surrounded by a great team – we’re always here for each other and there’s always someone ready to lend a hand or offer encouragement. 它创造了一个伟大的环境,一个我们努力保护的环境.


After spending over two decades working within technology and transformation, 我的事业一点也不无聊! There have been some challenges along the way – but these taught me a lot about the value of perseverance and learning from mistakes.

When I was younger, I had a small venture delivering IT solutions and web development services. This was my first foray into Enterprise Architecture, though I didn’t realise it at the time. 将技术和商业结合起来充满了挑战, and I learnt in those early years just how difficult it is to manage a company. But navigating that challenge is also what I love most about Enterprise Architecture - we bridge that gap where we help both technical and business teams to understand they are really working towards the same goal and objectives. 

One of my greatest achievements at 6point6 has been co-designing a bespoke framework and methodology based on 200+ years of my colleagues’ collective experience and knowledge. 6point6的框架具有很强的适应性,有助于增强我们的工作方式, 确保我们按时、按预算交付正确的解决方案.


我们是值得信赖的顾问和商业变革的推动者. We’re at the coalface helping organisations meet current and future challenges, 包括那些他们可能还不知道的人. Enterprise Architecture is focused on helping organisations improve decision-making and processes – and that requires someone who has a combination of business acumen, 广泛的技术知识, and a deep understanding of user needs as well as how to incorporate them in system design.

What also makes the role exciting is bringing together directorates and departments to focus on unlocking the right outcomes, 吸引所有观众, and connecting with different teams to create ecosystems that enable change.

Seb Trebaczkiewicz,企业架构主管

Having spent over 20 years working within transformation and business change, Seb has a track record for leading and delivering successful digital transformation, innovation and integration projects for both public sector organisations and private sector enterprises. 作为领导者, Seb相信人的力量,并努力创造一个包容的, 每个人都有发言权的协作环境. 他不工作的时候, Seb is a committed fan of the open road and can be found riding his motorcycle or volunteering for IAM RoadSmart, 高级驾车者协会, 他在那里训练人们安全骑摩托车.  

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