

英国领先的科技行业物业供应商, Bruntwood科技, 与西北地区的社会企业合作, Agent学院, in a unique collaboration that will connect talent with opportunities in Greater Manchester, and create a pathway that bridges the gap currently facing job seekers and employers.


This innovative partnership will open the doors of some of the UK’s leading businesses to young people looking to secure employment in the digital, 科技及创意产业.


As the UK’s fastest-growing region and the leading tech location outside of London, Greater Manchester has firmly established itself as a hotspot for both top-quality talent and high-quality opportunities. 然而, the city has been no exception to the pressure of demand for highly-skilled, 行业所需要的专业人才.


The partnership with Agent学院 will create a direct pathway that connects talent with opportunities, and employers in the region with future employees that will enable their businesses to flourish.


这次合作是在布朗伍德科技公司之后进行的, 这是布朗伍德和法务公司各占一半的合资公司 & 一般, announced plans for the third phase of its Circle Square tech and digital cluster in Greater Manchester, 位于城市创新区的中心. Following the increased demand for workspace from leading science and technology companies looking to invest in Manchester, Circle Square provides workspaces and bespoke programmes of business support, 帮助创意, 数字和科技企业蓬勃发展, 规模, 和成长.


为了进一步提高其支持客户增长的能力, 布朗伍德科技公司与屡获殊荣的特工学院合作, which leads the way in delivering industry-designed training to help young people start and develop careers in the creative and digital industry.  由于这种开创性的伙伴关系, 本地年轻人, 18 - 30岁, will learn from industry experts and connect directly to opportunities with businesses located inside Manchester’s Circle Square, 特工学院也在哪里. . 


The partnership will be introduced exclusively to businesses positioned in Bruntwood科技’s Circle Square campus, with a view to expanding across other campuses throughout the country. 


Bruntwood sciitech的创新主管Deb Hetherington表示:


“We know that all issues in business ultimately come back to talent. Manchester is one of the best places for that talent to be sourced 和成长n, and this partnership with Agent学院 will allow us to find new ways of connecting the right local talent to businesses in Greater Manchester. This will fuel the vibrancy and future growth of our incredible places and spaces.  


“Bruntwood科技 is 承诺 to supporting the needs of businesses, regardless of their size. We recognise the need to help our customers identify the talent and skills they need to grow.


“通过与特工学院合作, 他们也是我们在圆广场的顾客之一, we’re creating a programme that enables businesses in Greater Manchester to grow, and we can simultaneously welcome more young talent to join the industry in Manchester which alone has so many assets to offer.”


Agent学院 is 承诺 to upskilling and nurturing the next generation of talent, offering people from all backgrounds the opportunity to develop their skills, as well as gearing them with the connections and experience they need to be successful in industry.




“Since 2014, we’ve been working to bring solutions to complex skills and challenges. We know that with innovation and progression comes a need to rapidly develop future talent for business. 和我们一起工作的人都有这种才能, but what’s missing is an understanding of how to apply their skills in industry, in part due to a lack of awareness of the vast opportunities that exist, 以及相信自己有一席之地的信心. 工业常常让人感觉像一扇紧闭的门.


“对雇主来说, the challenge comes from a difficulty attracting the right talent to support growth, often due to a lack of understanding of what jobseekers are looking for and reaching them in a different way.


“通过与特工学院合作, 工业可以吸引各种各样尚未开发的人才, 未来的人才可以踏上阶梯, 开启高价值职业.


“This partnership between Bruntwood科技 and Agent学院 offers a direct solution to these issues by creating a pathway between the two, opening the doors to industry for talent and increasing growth potential for businesses.”


Businesses and young people who want to learn more about opportunities with Agent学院 can get in touch by visiting www.agentacademy.org.uk.

