
In the Spotlight with Arctic Wolf

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sphere. This week we're speaking with Steve Winfield, Senior Sales Engineer at Arctic Wolf.

What does your organisation do?

Arctic Wolf offers security operations solutions. 不像其他供应商, who focus on delivering and managing a security tool for their customers, Arctic Wolf solutions deliver actionable security operations outcomes, 不管这是24×7警报, targeted remediation or strategic guidance.

What do you think is currently the biggest issue facing the tech industry?

From a Security perspective I would suggest the biggest challenges faced by security teams is keeping up with the sophistication of attacks, while managing complex environments. At the same time with limited budgets and finding it hard to find and retain staff. I’d also break down the biggest issues into 3 distinct categories 

1. Ransomware 

The threat of ransomware and targeted attacks are top of mind for nearly every business. In 2021 alone there were an estimated 700 million attacks using ransom or extortion. Arctic Wolf’s The State of Cybersecurity report  2022 Trends reported over 70% of IT professionals surveyed identified it as their top concern in 2022.

2. 网络钓鱼 

Ransomware’s rise to infamy would have been all but impossible without the help of a vastly different kind of cyber threat: phishing.

Social engineering is any tactic that strives to manipulate individuals into divulging authentication credentials, 敏感信息, 基金, 和其他贵重物品. 网络钓鱼 is a form of social engineering that occurs online, 通常通过电子邮件, with the intent of stealing login credentials or getting a user to download malware or share 敏感信息.

3. 数据泄露 

Data breaches are somewhat unique in that the damage they cause to an organization isn’t as immediate. Organisations may not detect a data breach for weeks, months, or-in some cases-years. And by the time they do, it’s already too late. Data breaches typically result in the stolen data being posted on the dark web by cybercriminals either looking to turn a profit or cause some chaos. 

What is your organisation’s biggest achievement?

Ending Cyber Risk for our customers !

Arctic Wolf also lists as one of the worlds top most 50 Innovative companies

50th most disruptive private companies and is named as Forbes top 100 private cloud companies in the world 

What would you consider to be your organisation’s biggest challenge?

From a Security perspective I’d say unconscious non-malicious insider threats are the organisations biggest challenge. This was confirmed by Arctic Wolfs CISO Adam Marre raised when asked this specific question.

From a growth perspective I’d suggest recruiting and maintaining great people within the organisation is one of the top challenges when expanding and growing at the rate Arctic Wolf is in EMEA and the UK

What do you think the future looks like for Manchester’s tech sector?

绝对美妙的, The focus from all channels - government, 教育, Private and public sector specifically around Manchester and the Tech Sector is tremendous. 

Tell us something that we might not know about your company?


25-30 Billion Google searches performed per day

320 Billion 电子邮件s sent per day

The Arctic Wolf Security Operations Cloud platform performs 500 Billion (thats half a Trillion) Security observations per day !!


To find out more about Artic Wolf 点击这里.

