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Bruntwood获得规划批准,将全球最大的博彩平台标志性的pall mall转变为可持续发展和福利先锋

Image of what 笼罩在 Mall could look like in the future

Bruntwood, 英国领先的商业地产公司之一,如今已经拥有了 获批重建二级文物建筑帕尔美尔的规划 the heart of Manchester city centre.

位于 该物业位于国王街(King Street),将包括8.5万平方英尺的办公室和办公楼 hospitality space across three interlinked tower blocks. 的 building was acquired in October 2021, following 规划批准后,翻新工程将于明年初展开,届时将有 completion due for late 2023.

有 大部分空置了四年,现在将成为 全球最大的博彩平台首个面向“有意识”的工作空间. 笼罩在 Mall will be home to businesses that demonstrate 具有良好的环境、社会和治理(ESG)资质 努力使健康,可持续发展和碳中和的一部分 他们自己的策略,有一个共同的目标,创造真实而持久 change for the world we live in. 

By Bruntwood旨在将具有社会意识的公司聚集在一起 建立一个互惠互利的商业生态系统 another and help the city realise its ambition to be more socially and environmentally sustainable.

的 建筑将以所有能源的净零碳为目标 supplied to the building derived from renewable sources, and intelligent building management technology will also be incorporated throughout. Through retaining the existing 因此,布朗伍德避免了重建的需要 导致大约7900吨额外的碳排放- equivalent to around 16,000 flights from London to New 纽约. Once complete, 笼罩在 Mall will be targeting BREEAM ‘Very Good’ 认证和EPC B级,这是一项重大成就 for a Grade II listed, 1960s building.

的 大楼将由Bruntwood Works开发和管理,并将 是2亿英镑先锋项目的一部分,该项目创造了充满活力的社区 and innovation focussed workspaces centred 六个关键支柱:可持续性,热爱生命,艺术,健康,舒适 and technology. Neo, Blackfriars House, 111 Piccadilly, Bloc and 的 同时也是全球最大的博彩平台先锋计划的一部分.

的 装修将为旧建筑注入新的活力 循环经济方法通过其使用的回收和再生 furniture and materials, to create Bruntwood Works’ most sustainable serviced and leased office space to date, 结合木材隔断和再生凸起等细节 access floors.

Externally, 帕尔美尔将保留其二级保护设计,以保护其 文化的重要性,而重大的内部装修将 evolve this historic Manchester icon for the modern day. 

的 ground floor redesign will create a hospitality-style arrival 为客户提供体验,这是Bruntwood Works先锋公司所打造的 are now known for. 的 new entrance will also be 重新定位到建筑的中心,创造一个室外广场 在以前未使用的空间和有盖的露台,提供进一步 amenity for all customers. This will also help to ease congestion on busy King Street, creating a calming welcome experience. A 食品和饮料也将包括在里面,而一个 额外的零售空间将被纳入国王街,补充说 进一步便利了布朗伍德市中心的工作空间和 the surrounding community. 

Wellbeing 是笼罩在 Mall的一个重点,这里有健身工作室和健身房 商店,高端淋浴和更衣区,毛巾服务,烘干室 and ironing space all planned to encourage a healthy and productive workforce.

笼罩在 购物中心还将引进一些其他的新设施,包括一个 spectacular new roof terrace 提供 a place for customers to socialise, relax and unwind, or host their own events, all with views alongside historic King Street. 进一步 设施包括一个联合办公休息室,一系列多功能 会议室、放映室,以及齐全的日间产品系列 passes as part of the Pay As You Go programme, to serviced, managed and leased office space. 笼罩在 Mall will also include the first “推介和演示”区和会议舱在布朗伍德 工作空间的作品组合,因为该公司寻求增强其客户 提供. 

的 该建筑的内部翻新将是对该建筑的致敬 20世纪60年代开始,创造了世纪中叶的外观和感觉特色温暖 timbers, natural finishes, and rich, earthy 音调. Externally, the Grade II listed windows and mosaics will be 修复后,Windows将敏感地用同类替换 替代方案,在保持现有的建筑风格 will also support energy saving and the overall carbon reduction of the building. Work will be done to protect the 建筑的文化和历史意义,同时也 striving for operational net zero carbon status. 

笼罩在 Mall将成为市中心建筑群的一部分,Bloc、 全球最大的博彩平台俱乐部,邦德(原名莫斯利街38-42号)和57 Spring Gardens, allowing customers to benefit from shared facilities and services. This connected community 将有机会进入协同工作和社区区域, 改善的福利设施和定期的激励计划 business support services and events.

Andrew Butterworth, Commercial Director for Bruntwood Works, said: “有 received planning 获得批准,我们现在离实现我们的愿景又近了一步 new 笼罩在 Mall. Given the historic nature of the building, the plans were 复杂的同时,需要对遗址的遗产产生共鸣 also remaining consciously minded and providing a dynamic and innovative space for our customers. 

“We 我们是否深刻意识到我们有责任帮助我们的客户和客户 我们运营的城市实现其可持续发展目标. Alongside our existing cluster of forward-thinking 城市中心的工作空间,标志性的笼罩在 Mall将作为一个蓝图 进行可持续上市改造,并帮助我们的客户及更广泛的人 city to reach its net zero ambitions. 

“As 我们将继续履行我们的使命,创造繁荣的城市,我们会的 支持这些不仅能提供便利设施的项目 for our customers and the people of Manchester but will also leave a positive lasting impact on the city’s environment.”

的 笼罩在 Mall project team includes; architect Sheppard Robson; structural engineers DWLLP; heritage consultant Stephen Levrant Heritage Architecture; Deloitte as planning consultants; 与Ramboll一起提供可持续发展咨询,机械 electrical and plumbing.

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