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9 Amazon Search Hacks Every Seller Should Know

The good news is anyone can snatch their slice of the action. 然而,不要错误地认为亚马逊搜索的成功是一个快速致富的计划.

Amazon is one of the most competitive arenas in online retail, 但这11个亚马逊搜索技巧将帮助你爬到最顶端.

1. Use Trending Amazon Keywords

就像用谷歌广告销售,或者确保你的网页排名靠前的SEO优化, keywords are essential to being a successful Amazon seller.

你会注意到,许多亚马逊的商品列表读起来非常混乱,就好像卖家试图塞进尽可能多的单词一样. In fact, this is precisely what they are doing.


想想你的产品有哪些特点和优点,能让你的产品区别于其他消费者可能正在寻找的产品. Add these terms to your product descriptions to enrich them.

Want to boost your Amazon product descriptions even further? 在线工具可以生成与你的产品相关的趋势关键词, 帮助您吸引更多高意向的潜在买家,增加您的销售额.

2. Translate Your Amazon Product Descriptions

在亚马逊上销售的一个好处是,你可以接触到全球的消费者. However, 仅仅在全球范围内销售并不足以让世界各地的用户选择你的产品而不是别人的.

通过扩展你的产品描述而不是英文关键词来瞄准全球受众. Translate 将产品的所有必要信息翻译成与目标市场相关的语言.

Make sure your translations are correct and precise. It may be worth hiring a professional Amazon translator 谁真正了解他们的东西,以最大限度地发挥你的全球上市潜力.

The daily deals page covers most categories.

3. Maintain Your Amazon Seller Rating

每个在线平台上的卖家都应该知道,公众评论就是一切. 当消费者选择你的产品而不是其他产品时,社会认同可能是最终的决策因素.

When it comes to Amazon search results, you’ll find that every seller on the first page has a rating of 90% or above. 这使得积极的反馈对你的持续表现至关重要.

优化您的产品描述,为客户提供最准确的信息, avoiding disappointment or buyer’s regret.

我们还建议你鼓励你的客户留下反馈,如果他们对他们的购买感到满意. 也许在他们的包裹里放一张有用的传单,告诉他们如何做.

4. Pay Attention to Amazon Analytics

就像在其他地方销售一样,作为亚马逊卖家,理解数据对你的业绩至关重要. Keep track of customer data, competitors’ data, as well as your sales, profit margins, conversion rates, traffic, top-performing keywords, and more using Amazon Business Reports.

这些信息对于了解哪些产品表现良好,哪些产品表现不佳非常有价值. You should then tailor your Amazon marketing strategy accordingly, 改进由于关键词优化不佳而导致评价差或缺乏成功的产品.

5. Use Amazon’s Vendor-Powered Coupons

亚马逊的内置促销工具被称为供应商支持的优惠券. 这些可用于个人卖家与专业商人帐户使用, Professional Sellers and Vendors, 并且使你的商品折扣比其他卖家更有竞争力. To be the most competitively priced, 你们可能只需要给产品打很小的折扣.

Amazon’s savviest shoppers always keep an eye on the Amazon daily deals page. 使用供应商提供的优惠券在这个页面上获得一个令人垂涎的位置,让你的产品被更多的便宜货看到.

The Amazon Bestseller pages are even a category all of their own.

6. Win the Amazon ‘Buy Box’

You’re probably familiar with the Amazon Buy Box, whether you know it or not. This box appears on the right-hand side of a product page, comparing a list of third-party listings for the same product. Being in the Buy Box can achieve more sales with little effort.

Here’s how to get in there:

  • 确保您的产品的Amazon标准标识号与您想要在购买框中显示的产品相匹配.
  • 保持你的价格低于竞争对手,即使只有几便士.
  • Use fulfilled by Amazon for fast and reliable shipping.

7. Achieve Amazon Bestseller Badges

Products that display a coveted “Amazon Bestseller的徽章,立即跳到每一个消费者作为一个安全的赌注购买通过社会认同的力量.

The badge is awarded on a category-to-category basis, 这意味着你可以通过仔细选择你的产品类别来优化你赢得一个奖项的机会. 尽量选择一个更容易排名的,竞争较少的. However, 避免选择不相关的类别,否则你的产品可能会被目标用户看不到.

8. Bag an Amazon’s Choice Badge

另一个肯定会给你的亚马逊卖家业务带来提升的徽章是“亚马逊之选”徽章. This marks your products as officially endorsed by the platform, 让他们看起来更值得信赖,因此比其他选择更好, regardless of whether the price is slightly higher.

Criteria for gaining this badge include:

  • Your product is eligible for Amazon Prime shipping.
  • 你有很高的评论率,表明满意、信任和投入的消费者.
  • You have a low returns rate.
These earphones have snagged an Amazon's Choice Badge.

9. Run Amazon Sponsored Ads

As with all online selling platforms, 把你的钱放在你说的地方是让你的产品被看到和购买的可靠方法.

亚马逊赞助的广告会让你的产品最先出现在相关的消费者搜索结果中. 赞助产品总是显示在搜索结果的顶部,或者在整个过程中清晰标记和引人注目的横幅上.

Amazon sponsored ads operate on a pay-per-click basis, meaning you will only pay for the ad when it does its job, 接触到相关的消费者,提高你的知名度和销量.

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