
目前有4个.80亿互联网用户.83% of them use TikTok, not bad for an app that made its fame through viral dances.

据估计 每月10亿活跃用户, 它被认为是第四大最受欢迎的社交应用, 慢慢赶上Instagram, 目前有1个.4 billion users (Facebook, however, still firmly holds the top spot with 2.90亿年!).

TikTok已经成为一个全球巨头, 而且短期内没有放缓的迹象, there are endless opportunities for brands to utilise the app to their advantage. 平均而言,用户 花了3美元.到2023年,该应用程序将达到80亿美元 (up 15% year-on-year), so if you’re not already advertising on there, you really should be!

We’ve put together a quick guide for advertising on TikTok and some top recommendations for advertising in 2024.


尽管TikTok在很大程度上受到Z世代的青睐, all age groups have begun making the leap over to the app. 拥有如此庞大的人口, it’s highly likely that the target audience you’re trying to reach is on there! 

TikTok的用户遍及150多个国家, 与Meta类似, it has transparent measurement tools to track any ad performance, 让它成为你的市场营销的绝对必需品. It’s an effective way to target customers precisely and increase your overall brand awareness. 

我们都知道, video is king in the marketing sphere and optimising for mobile video will get you far! 例如,在Facebook上,视频格式驱动 67.广告点击量增加65% 比图片. 因此, taking advantage of TikTok advertising and incorporating video into your strategy will massively increase your views. 


Advertisers on TikTok have grown rapidly over the past few years, and ad spend on the app is set to have an even bigger increase within the next year. It’s estimated that the increases are set to be as much as 25% more, 去年, advertising was projected to hit a staggering $12 billion globally! 

The top advertisers on TikTok are made up of companies from every industry, 从游戏到美容和零售. Every big company you can think of is probably on there.

Currently, the top spot is held by none other than eCommerce giant Amazon. 仅在2022年,这家零售商就投资了22美元.5 million in the TikTok app, making it relatively inescapable when scrolling. And in second place, spending just shy of $19 million, was HBO Max. Among the other top ten advertisers were huge names such as McDonald’s, HelloFresh and Samsung!



One of the advantages of TikTok is that it’s filled with creators! One of the most effective ways of getting eyes on your brand or content is to work alongside these creators and make ads that reinforce brand recognition and boost your view rate for in-feed ads.

最近的一项研究发现 27%的人 had a higher ad recall for TikTok-specific branded content in collaboration with creators, 所以这是一条值得探索的道路. 此外, 45%的广告主 use TikTok for their influencer marketing campaigns, and view rates have shown an increase of 193% when creators are featured. If you’re not working with creators for UGC (user-generated content) or influencer marketing, 你绝对应该!  


这似乎是理所当然的, 而是在TikTok上做广告的时候, 确保你的广告脱颖而出是很重要的. TikTok users are faced with a constant influx of content. It’s estimated that the average number of videos uploaded daily is 约1000万, so if you don’t set yourself apart from competitors or other creators, 你的视频不会获得关注, 它们很快就会被遗忘. 

在策划TikTok广告时, take into consideration what your audience or customers would want to engage with. Even though you’re creating ads, make sure they’re just as engaging as your regular posts. Consider including techniques such as interactivity, humour and strong branding to enhance your advertising!


A common misconception of advertising is that it needs to be informative, straight to the point and more on the ‘serious’ side. 但, 尤其是在社交平台上做广告的时候, it’s been uncovered that the more entertaining your ads are, 你的听众就会越难忘.

超过 52%的人 across all generations prefer creative and entertaining advertisements as opposed to informative content. 为了获得更多的关注, consider trialling light-hearted and more informal content for easy viewing within your organic content or ads within the app. 


Establishing a brand presence is a great way to connect with your audience. 在 70% of consumers feel closer to a brand because of their content marketing, and 60% of people will seek out a brand after reading about it. In order to promote your brand across TikTok and create a strong presence, it’s important to make sure your brand is recognisable and create a community amongst your followers and customers.

With the landscape of TikTok changing daily, make sure to stay ahead of the curve! If you’re not already advertising on TikTok, there’s no better time than now to give it a go!



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