
Five Ways to Prepare Your eCommerce Brand for Q4


With so many holidays on the horizon, you might be feeling a tad overwhelmed even thinking about the months ahead.

But it doesn't 有 to be as scary as it seems. 

Here at DMT, we’ve spent the past eight years conquering the Q4 period. As well as mastering our own strategy, we’ve also helped a huge number of eCommerce brands. Last year alone, we achieved a record-breaking Black Friday, with our clients making over £2.一天就有500万.

我们的秘密? Well, it wouldn’t be a secret if we told you.


如果你 want this kind of success over Q4, then keep scrolling as we reveal five ways to prepare your eCommerce brand for the most hectic shopping season of the year…

计划营销日程 & 即将到来的销售

Q4 isn’t just about one holiday that lasts a few days. It’s a season filled with all sorts of exciting days. From the fun Halloween week to the chaotic Black Friday weekend, it’s important that you carefully consider every key date.

Before you start planning your calendar and sales strategy, ask yourself questions such as:‍

  • What do you want to achieve this season? Determine your goals and create a strategic plan on how you will get there.
  • 你的USPs是什么? Why should people buy YOUR products over your competitors?
  • 去年出了什么问题? How can you learn from your mistakes?
  • 你们有什么促销活动? How can you make these sound more exciting than the standard discounts?


如果你’ve been in the industry for a while, you probably know that almost 70% of shoppers abandon their carts. This can be down to a number of reasons, 比如送货费, 复杂的结帐过程, 或有限的付款方式. 作为一个电子商务品牌, the most important thing to remember is that there are always ways to retarget those who shown interest in your products but 有n’t yet made that purchase.

A simple solution is to optimise your abandoned cart flows. This can be done by revisiting subject lines, offering exclusive discount codes, 测试发送次数. 这些都是我们的专家 邮件营销团队 掌握😉

创意 & 脱颖而出

BFCM is, without a doubt, the most competitive weekend for eCommerce brands. When it comes to standing out, creativity is key. 如果你’re offering the same deals as your competitors, 然后不幸的是, there’s no guarantee that shoppers will choose your brand over another. Try to think outside the box and consider additional offers such as free products, 赠品包装, 甚至是BOGOF.

Your designs and ad copy should also stand out. 如果你 真的 want to make users stop scrolling, we recommend working with professional designers (just saying... our team at DMT 有 been known to whip up some of the coolest ads out there 😏).


Did you know that 53% of visitors will leave a site if the page doesn't load within three seconds? 我们知道这很疯狂.

更令人震惊的是 42% will also leave if it’s not easy to use and navigate. This means that making regular improvements to your website is crucial, especially coming up to Q4. 


  • 凌乱的页面
  • 难以阅读的字体
  • 没有搜索栏
  • 太多的弹出窗口或广告
  • 失效链接

Think about cleaning up your website’s code, optimising imagery and making the user journey as simple as possible. 如果你 aren’t able to complete these checks yourself, you should 真的 reach out to a skilled web开发人员!

Use Last Year’s Data to Create Your Black Friday Strategy

The best way to create your Black Friday strategy is by looking at past events and analysing trends within the data. 

We recommend breaking down shopping behaviours throughout the week leading up to, 在黑色星期五期间和之后. This way, you’ll 有 all the right tools to create a winning strategy!

Consider the times and days that people 有 bought something, as well as where the sales came from. 例如, 根据Shopify, 73% of sales during BFCM 2022 were made on mobile. Data like this highlights the importance of optimising your website for a smooth mobile shopping experience. 

