
The campaign organisers hope to pressure governments and institutions to implement more support for people suffering from mental illnesses. 70年来,精神健康基金会一直致力于这项事业, and this year their main focus is to make mental well-being a global priority.


Alongside organising fundraising and donations, one easy way to support their campaign is by 买一条绿丝带是国际心理健康意识的象征. 


根据 英国慈善心, one in four people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England and one in six will report experiencing a common mental health problem (like anxiety and depression) in any given week in England. 虽然这些统计数据本身是有影响力的, we also want to highlight the prominence of mental illness in the workplace.


  • 工作压力的总数, 2020/21年度抑郁或焦虑病例为822例,000, 患病率为2,480 / 100,000名工人. 
  • In 2020/21, stress, depression or anxiety accounted for 50% of all work-related ill health cases.
  • 最近的数据显示,与所有工人相比, females overall had statistically significantly higher rates of work-related stress, 男性抑郁或焦虑显著降低.

It's clear why all companies should have mental health support procedures in place. 可悲的是, 到2021年,只有2000名英国工人的13% 说他们会觉得在工作中讨论心理健康问题很舒服. We've compiled a list of 10 simple steps that your company can take to foster a healthier work environment:


  1. 创造一种感恩的文化并努力工作: Numerous studies have indicated that practising gratitude can help to reduce stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression. 在办公室用你的语言实现它也很简单. Expressing gratitude to your colleagues is beneficial for both you and them. This can be done as easily as introducing a team member spotlight of the week or just consistently thanking the people around you for their hard work. This environment of gratitude will make employees feel more appreciated and allow them to have a better connection with their colleagues. If you want to take it one step further, why not make a gratitude wall at work? 
  1. 休息时到户外走走: Spending time outdoors has been linked by health professionals to reduced symptoms of depression and an increased feeling of positivity. 虽然确切的原因还不确定, some professionals believe that it may be linked to the gentle stimulation of all five senses and the increased vitamin D in your body. 它有助于你的身体健康, 降低血压, 心率, 肌肉紧张, 以及应激激素的产生. 此外,户外活动有助于设定你的睡眠周期. Cells in your eyes need enough light to get your body's internal clock working right. 尤其是清晨的阳光,似乎有助于人们在晚上入睡. 随着年龄的增长,这一点可能更加重要. 当你老了, 你的眼睛吸收光线的能力较差, 而且你更有可能出现睡眠问题.
  1. 为别人做事服务他人的行为是伟大的,并改善你的精神状态. 研究表明,幸福感、贡献感和成功感会增强. 而且,这样做通常不会花费你的生意. 带徒弟或做志愿者都是免费的.
  1. 在工作中找到好的幽默感: Work can undoubtedly be stressful, and experiencing stress at work may be unavoidable. 然而, developing a good sense of humour within your team can help alleviate that stress and make arising problems feel shared rather than just one person's issue. 有趣的事实:笑可以增加你吸入的富氧空气, 刺激你的心脏, 肺和肌肉, 增加大脑释放的内啡肽. 笑也能激活和缓解你的压力反应.
  1. 学点新东西: Research shows that learning new skills can also improve your mental well-being by boosting self-confidence and raising self-esteem. Learning new things at work can help you build a sense of purpose and connect with others. 这可以通过参加与工作相关的课程来实现, 跟随其他团队的人, 或者在你工作的某个特定领域获得认证. 
  1. 找时间慢下来每天的工作很容易使人疲惫不堪, 尤其是当你很忙或者有紧急任务要处理的时候. 然而,指定一些时间让自己慢下来是至关重要的. Whether that's stepping outside for a few minutes or simply looking away from your screen and taking a few deep breaths, 只要你觉得可控就行, 试着增加你的工作日程. 
  1. 知道去哪里寻求支持透明的支持链对任何公司都是必不可少的, and knowing that you can speak comfortably and confidently with a team member is critical to creating a work environment that supports mental well-being. Maya Angelou once said, "there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you." 
  1. 优先平衡工作与生活: This is easier for some than others and even more difficult in the age of working from home. Creating distance between your private life and your work life is essential. 这可以通过下班后散步来实现,即使是在家工作. It became a popular technique during COVID-19 lockdowns to create a mock commute to help separate from work at the end of the day. 
  1. 作为一个团队花时间在一起这不仅有助于创建一个更有效的团队, but spending time together outside of work lets people know that they can talk to each other personally and allows you and your colleagues to understand each other better. Practising empathy is a lot easier when everyone actually knows one another. 
  1. 保密: Knowing that you can speak with your seniors in confidence is important to creating an environment where employees can discuss their concerns and mental health. Letting your employer know when you’re struggling will help you both to manage future situations with greater awareness and understanding. 


患有精神疾病会让人感到恐惧和孤立, but developing a work environment that a) reduces the risks of worsening mental health and b) has procedures in place to find support for yourself are essential to mental well-being. We hope our tips and statistics have helped raise awareness about mental health in the workplace and given you some advice on how to curate a workplace that supports mental well-being. 

