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We can’t recommend Shopify more. But don’t just take our word at face value; read on for a rundown of why we recommend Shopify as the ideal eCommerce platform.

1. Quick and Easy Set-Up

避免整理服务器和支付自托管站点带来的web开发成本的麻烦. 多亏了Shopify简单干净的用户界面和直观的功能, all you need to bring is the product.

2. Tech Know-How Sorted

使用Shopify自己提供的所有软件和托管, 对于任何技术知识水平的人来说,这是建立一个完美的方式 professional-looking website. Plus, 你可以依靠Shopify维护的安全性和速度,而不必自己处理错误.

3. Secure and Reliable

不要担心Shopify网站可能收集的所有敏感客户信息. This is all stored and maintained securely. 您可以启用SSL证书来加密所有数据并通过安全连接传递. Shopify甚至照顾PCI合规性,因此您可以放心地使用信用卡支付.

4. 24/7 Customer Support

如果你曾经有一个问题或查询有关您的网站, Shopify通过电话提供全天候客户支持, email and web chat. 社区论坛和帮助指南的范围也非常适合进行故障排除, so you’re never out of control of your site.

5. Mobile-optimisation

如今,拥有一个针对移动访问进行优化的网站已经不是可有可无的了. 你不会想错过大量智能手机在线购物者的机会,对吧? With Shopify, this is easy. 他们所有的网站主题都是移动优化的,直到购物车. 他们甚至提供免费的苹果和安卓应用程序,这样你就可以随时管理你的商店,并确保它对移动用户来说总是看起来很时尚.

An iphone showing an email from Shopify
Shopify is perfect for making a mobile-optimised site.

6. Customisability

在当今竞争激烈的网上购物环境中,让你的品牌脱颖而出是必不可少的. Luckily, Shopify offers 160 themes, 所有这些都是可定制的,这样你就可以确保你的品牌脱颖而出. 

7. Apps Galore

Want to add a wish list function? Customer reviews? A loyalty programme? How about keeping track of your stock and shipping? There’s a Shopify app for all of it! 有些是免费的,而另一些则是额外付费的,以帮助您真正充分利用您的网站.

8. SEO and Marketing Tools

在网络上并不足以保证你的客户. 通过Shopify的SEO功能和高级分析,使您的网站保持在搜索引擎结果的顶部. 其他营销工具包括社交媒体整合和产品评论, 确保你在所有合适的地方宣传你的产品.

9. Payment Gateway Benefits

Shopify与众多支付网关合作,以实现可访问性, but it also has its own, powered by Stripe. 这可以让你避免交易费用,并利用较低的信用卡费用.

10. Affordability

Shopify now hosts more than 500,000 businesses in 175 countries around the world. With global names such as Tesla, Nestle, 红牛和凯莉化妆品也十大正规博彩网站评级了Shopify的行动, 你会认为成本太高,小企业无法利用. However, Shopify’s plans come at a range of price points, 每月订阅费从29美元到299美元不等, 这样你就不用担心买不起了! Plus, 如果你喜欢按年付款而不是按月分期付款, you’ll benefit from 10% off.

11. Social Media Integration

社交媒体应该是现代电子商务营销策略的核心. It’s lucky that Shopify has its finger on the pulse. They allow you to integrate Facebook Pixel into every page of your website, 将产品上传到你的Facebook产品目录,并与现场库存水平保持同步,并提供从你的社交媒体渠道结账. Plus, with Shopify-generated discount codes, 你可以跟踪人们在哪里以及如何得到你的折扣,并改进你的策略.

12. Inventory Management

Shopify的产品管理工具包括库存管理,用于跟踪您的库存水平, 监控订单并保持产品清单的更新. 一旦你的库存用完,Shopify甚至会自动将产品标记为售罄, 防止客户失望,否则他们的订单将不得不取消.

13. Multi-Platform Selling

Shopify doesn’t limit you to only selling on your site, it also opens up access to Amazon, Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest marketplaces. When 48% of people 开始在亚马逊等市场上搜索产品, this is an opportunity you can’t afford to miss!

14. Dmt’s Insider Knowledge

作为Shopify的合作伙伴,我们对管理Shopify商店略知一二. Our web team specialise in designing, developing & optimising marketing-ready Shopify websites. 我们也可以将您的网站从其他平台迁移到Shopify. 拥有多年设计和建设高转化率商店的经验,这些商店与最重要的营销渠道相结合, you know your brand is in safe hands.

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