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如果你把不同的社交媒体功能想象成不同的馅饼, 那么,这三家社交媒体巨头将涉足大量领域.

我们认为你在社交媒体上活跃已经有一段时间了, so you’re bound to have experienced these changes first-hand. Whether you agree with them or not, 更新的功能保持我们最喜欢的社交渠道新鲜和新的, giving us more and more reasons to stay engaged. 

But how much have these platforms changed over time? 它们最初是从哪里开始的?它们与我们最初记忆中的有何不同? 好吧,下面是我们对我们最喜欢的社交媒体平台的演变的方便而广泛的指南.


Instagram was first introduced in 2010 as a purely photo-sharing app; it has now grown into something else entirely. The app was launched by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, “Instagram”这个名字来自“instant”和“telegram”这两个词。. 他们试图弥合没有分享功能的照片编辑应用和缺乏照片上传功能的社交媒体平台之间的鸿沟.

25,000 people 在游戏发布的第一天,也就是2010年10月6日就注册了. The iPhone 4 had been released just a few months earlier, with a much-improved camera than the previous model, 让Instagram用户能够分享(当时)高质量的照片.

The first image, posted by Kevin Systrom in 2010, was a snap of his dog. Dog posts have become a mainstay for the platform, but many other pets are included in various posts; some owners are now managing their own pet’s accounts!

2012年,马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)斥资10亿美元收购Instagram,震惊了所有人. 同月,这款应用在安卓平台发布,并被下载一空 one million times in a single day

视频分享在2013年出现,将这款应用推向了一个全新的方向. 对于目前在Instagram上的数百万用户来说,新的创作机会是可用的. Sponsored posts were also released this year, 为广告提供机会,使企业能够看到巨大的成功和增长.

The big appearance update was released in 2016. Instagram收到了一个新的、时尚的标志,同时也重新设计了主页. 一开始许多人都持怀疑态度,但现在新造型深受喜爱和熟知.

The algorithm-based feed was introduced in 2016, moving users away from chronologically ordered timelines. Engagement became more important than ever; whilst users would see all content from the people they followed, 那些出现在提要顶部的是适合新算法的内容. This update has been a highly criticised one, 无数用户表示他们再也看不到朋友的帖子了.

Taking inspiration from Snapchat, Instagram launched “Instagram Stories” in August 2016, bringing 24-hour-long posts to users. To this day, Stories are a very popular feature for all users, 你会发现,更多的人倾向于在自己的故事中发帖,而不是在别人的动态中发帖.

几个月后,Instagram Live发布,带来了一个参与和互动的新时代. 它还允许许多企业展示产品发布或回答与产品有关的任何问题. Live shopping was introduced in 2022, 允许用户购买在直播视频中展示的产品.

The ability to mute certain accounts arrived in 2018, 允许用户隐藏他们可能觉得讨厌的帖子和故事. Also, in that year, IGTV was launched. 视频分享功能得到了改进,用户现在可以上传超过一分钟的视频.

May 2020 saw the introduction of Instagram Shop. 受新冠疫情的影响,许多大大小小的企业都倒闭了. Instagram商店的推出是为了让企业继续经营,并开始直接从他们的Instagram个人资料中销售他们的产品. 这一功能对于在疫情期间苦苦挣扎的企业来说意义重大,也是许多企业至今仍在运营的原因.

Thanks to the growing rate of TikTok, Instagram decided to launch “Reels”, their own version of TikTok’s video-sharing function. These videos were short, 可以与一段音乐(基本上是TikTok)结合在一起的循环音. 视频现在非常受欢迎,但抖音仍然是短视频的霸主.


Facebook began with FaceMash, 这是马克·扎克伯格在哈佛读书时创建的一个网站. He had hacked the University’s database, 下载了学院里每个人的照片,然后上传到FaceMash上, 允许访问者根据每个人的长相给他们打分——这个网站很快就被哈佛关闭了(不知道为什么……).

Facebook于2004年2月4日正式成立,当时被称为“TheFacebook”。. 它最初是为哈佛学生发布的,但最终扩展到美国各地的大学,到年底都可以十大正规博彩网站评级.

In 2005, Facebook dropped “The” from its name. By the end of this year, the platform had reached six million active users, and Zuckerberg received a $12 million investment from Accell Partners, 这一数字推高了Facebook的估值,使该平台得以大幅增长和扩大规模. A photo-sharing capability was introduced, 允许用户上传个人照片到他们的“涂鸦墙”,并在他们上传的照片中标记其他用户.

A year later, Facebook向所有13岁以上的人开放了这个平台, provided they had a valid email address to sign up with. 

In 2008, Facebook用户突破1亿,并推出了“聊天”功能, 让每个人都能更方便地与朋友和家人交流.

The ability to ‘like’ posts was introduced the next year, 影响着数百万人的心理健康. Many users no longer posted on Facebook to update their nosey Aunts with their latest life stories but to garner more and more likes from their friends; a true vanity metric. 

A brand new design was introduced in 2011, 影响时间轴和主页,并允许用户将自己的封面照片添加到他们的个人资料. 

In 2012, 扎克伯格以10亿美元收购Instagram后,将该公司纳入了他的社交媒体家族, Facebook当时1040亿美元的估值不过是沧海一粟. 两年后,Facebook斥资190亿美元收购了Whatsapp.

到2017年,全球近三分之一的人口登录了Facebook, a staggering 2 billion people!

From 2018-2021, Facebook was at the forefront of an assortment of scandals and controversies; they were heavily criticised for spreading fake news, leading to a feature being introduced allowing users to flag fake posts; the platform was hit with several reports of posts containing abuse, harassment, hate speech, etc., meaning that the company had to set up more regulatory measures; in 2018, a massive data breach occurred, whereby a British consultancy firm, Cambridge Analytica, 通过一个类似测验的应用程序提取了8700万用户的个人信息,然后在2016年将这些信息提供给了特朗普的竞选团队.

On the 29th of October 2021, 鉴于其构建虚拟世界的使命,Facebook更名为Meta. We’ll see how this goes over the next few years…


Twitter officially started, unsurprisingly, as a tweet. 联合创始人杰克·多西于2006年3月21日在推特上写道:“我只是在设置我的推特”. Before this, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, 和诺亚·格拉斯在2004年创办了自己的播客公司Odeo, but after Apple added podcasts to iTunes in 2005, Odeo的领导层觉得,他们似乎无法与科技巨头竞争,因此需要一个新的方向. Up stepped Odeo’s engineer, Jack Dorsey, who proposed a short messaging service (SMS), 允许用户与朋友和家人分享类似博客的小帖子.

After Twitter’s number of unique visitors rose some 1,300% in 2009, 业主们开始意识到,这个平台并不是一个小众市场. During this time, the platform was still free to use, and Facebook had just announced their first turn of profit since its inception; something had to be done if Twitter wanted to continue running. 他们推出了“推广推文”,允许广告出现在搜索框中. 同年晚些时候,推出了“推广趋势”和“推广账户”.

2009年,艾什顿·库彻(Ashton Kutcher)也赢得了比赛,成为第一位拥有超过100万粉丝的推特用户. A year before that, U.S. 美国总统候选人巴拉克·奥巴马和约翰·麦凯恩都使用推特来宣传他们的政治竞选活动,并将其作为一种沟通工具. Since then, 政客们经常利用这个平台为自己谋取政治利益, 唐纳德·特朗普是大多数人想到推特上的政客时首先想到的.

However, Twitter is known for its news capabilities. 记者和新闻广播员都利用这个平台的快速速度和庞大的用户群向大众传播故事和观点. One noteworthy example occurred on January 15th 2009, 当时全美航空公司1549号航班成功降落在纽约市哈德逊河的消息传到了推特上. 用户詹尼斯·克鲁姆斯在网上上传了一张半沉飞机的照片,从而曝光了这一事件, leading to the platform crashing.


转发——该平台最受欢迎的功能之一——于2009年11月推出. 在此之前,如果用户想分享别人的推文,他们会重写,但开头要加上“RT”. Twitter caught on and added the sharing function.

“新推特”于2010年发布,这是迄今为止最大的更新和改革. 照片和视频现在可以在平台上看到,直到今天仍然可以.

2013 saw the introduction of Vine. 这是一款非常受欢迎的视频分享应用,在向公众发布之前被Twitter收购. 可悲的是,Vine在2016年被推特停用后就不复存在了. Alas, TikTok已经成为你无休止地浪费时间浏览无数视频的首选应用. Rejoice!

2015年,允许流媒体的应用程序Periscope被Twitter收购,收购价格为1亿美元 reported $85 million

那年晚些时候,在推特上添加投票的选项成为一种流行. 某些主流在线新闻网站将此视为金矿,并选择创建随机测试式帖子来吸引大众. *Cough* Buzzfeed *Cough*.

In 2017, Twitter将tweet的字符数限制从140个增加到280个, which was met with varying amounts of praise and criticism. A month later, threads were added. 用户可以在一个可滚动的线程中发布多个tweet,并享受长篇内容的功能.

The “major” additions seemed to quieten in the following years; the ability to attach media to quote tweets was introduced in 2019, and users could limit replies to tweets in August 2020.

In April 2022, 埃隆·马斯克宣布将以440亿美元收购Twitter,震惊了整个社交界. 

So, there you have it! 我们最喜欢的社交媒体平台的相当广泛的历史. 你可能会对已经发生的变化感到高兴,或者对某些方面感到相当恼火, 但毫无疑问,这些更新改进了我们经常使用的平台.

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