
电子邮件 marketing is a different ball game for seasoned paid social or PPC marketers; there are so many different metrics to consider when calculating email marketing success. 其中一些甚至可能并不适用于你.

The first thing one must do is establish the goals of an email marketing service; are you focused on increasing conversions, 产生线索或其他完全不同的东西? 一旦你这样做了, you can start thinking about each and every metric that you want to be keeping an eye on. Let’s take a look at the things you should be considering when trying to determine email marketing success.


The open rate is defined as the percentage of email recipients who open your email. 打开率并不像“打开”一封邮件那么简单, 因为没有办法追踪这个特定的动作. 然而, 电子邮件营销现在包括一个小小的, 不可见的跟踪像素,自动下载一旦电子邮件是打开. 这个像素的下载率用来衡量电子邮件的打开率.

Having an interesting or exciting subject line is a great way to increase your email’s open rate; including the recipient’s name will give it a personal feel and encourage them to open it if they believe that the email is directed to them. 带有个性化主题的电子邮件 26%的可能性 比那些没有任何个性化的开放.

自从iOS 15更新后, 然而, open rate has been a tricky metric to follow and one that doesn’t give completely clear results. Those who have opted into Apple’s Mail Protection Privacy service will have their emails opened to check for spam and safety reasons, 导致电子邮件营销人员的打开率全面膨胀.


The CTR stands for click-through rate: a metric that tracks the percentage of recipients who have clicked through a link within the email. 

Measuring the click-through rate of an email helps us understand how effective the email has been in generating interest and helping the customer through the sales funnel to try and encourage them to make a purchase. The click-through rate shows exactly how good an email campaign is at moving subscribers to a subsequent website for the purchase. 

点击率是衡量你的内容有多吸引人的一个很好的指标. 你可以跟踪你的CTA是否, 使用的链接或任何图像都有利于鼓励用户点击. 如果人们点击你的邮件, 很可能他们正在享受发送的内容.

A good chance to test out different ways to improve your CTR is through A/B testing. You can experiment with various forms of ad copy or design and see what your CTR is benefiting from. Identifying trends and preferences amongst your audience is crucial for optimising your content for them.  


The email’s bounce rate refers to the percentage of emails that have not successfully reached the recipients. The bounce rate can be split into two categories: a hard bounce or a soft bounce.

A soft bounce is an email that could not be delivered due to temporary reasons; maybe the recipient’s email inbox is full, 他们再也收不到钱了, 或者你要发送的电子邮件包含的文件太大而无法发送. 

An email that has had a hard bounce could not be delivered due to permanent reasons. 例如, 邮件列表上的电子邮件地址可能是假的, 不再使用或使用不正确的域名, 或者收件人的服务器可能不接受电子邮件. If you ever experience a hard bounce, the recipient must be removed from your email list.

对你的电子邮件营销来说,硬反弹不一定是最糟糕的事情. It enables you to cull your email list a bit and remove any recipients who won’t even be opening or clicking on your emails, 允许更自然的结果.


Encouraging your subscribers to engage with a particular action is a chief goal of many email marketers. 跟踪这一点的一个方法是查看你的转化率. The conversion rate measures the number of recipients who’ve clicked on a link in an email and then acted on a specific task, 是否填写在线表格, 购买产品, 留下评论或者完全做其他事情.

The conversion rate is an important metric to consider when determining if you’re achieving your goals. 但, 如果你注意到低转换率, 你可以采取一些措施来增加这些数字.

提高可读性,有一个杀手主题行,使用明亮 & 大胆的字体和设计易于使用, 清晰显示的CTA按钮可以大大提高转化率. Enabling subscribers to clearly understand what you want from them is very important because how else will they know what you expect from them?

Additionally, introducing some new flows that aim to convert subscribers can be beneficial. Birthday/anniversary flows can encourage people to sign up to a form on your website, 从而产生引线. Winback flows aim to encourage old shoppers to re-purchase and re-engage with your brand. 你可以做很多不同的事情来提高转化率, 所有这些都侧重于不同的方面,取得了不同程度的成功.


The unsubscribe rate tells you the percentage of your recipients who have chosen to no longer receive your messages. 如果你的退订率很低, it suggests that your mailing list enjoys the content you’re sending out and finds it interesting. 一个好的退订率应该低于 0.5%.

Having unsubscribers isn’t necessarily bad; it cleans up and fine-tunes your mailing list and removes those who maybe don’t care about your content as much as other recipients would. Getting rid of people who don’t interact with your emails can be a positive thing, but you don’t want to be getting rid of many recipients due to them unsubscribing.

通过Klaviyo,你可以创建一个“日落流”,旨在“逐步淘汰那些不再与你的品牌互动的客户”. 首先应该尝试“Winback”流程, offering incentives to grab the attention of your subscribers in the hopes that you can bring them back into your brand. 日落流将发送到任何未占用的订阅者,例如.g. someone who has signed up for emails but has not interacted with you for a long time. Sunset flows are a great way to list clean and get rid of any inactive subscribers.

取消订户可以预期后,你运行一个领先的一代活动. Many people may sign up to your mailing list to try and win a certain prize but then decide that they don’t want to interact with your brand anymore.

