

Adobe商务购物应用| Foresight Mobile

Adobe商务 是世界上使用最广泛的桌面电子商务平台之一吗, 并且是基于它的开源表亲 线上购物.


而Adobe商务并不直接提供移动应用程序构建器, it does provide a comprehensive set of APIs that allow developers to build custom mobile apps that connect to your Adobe商务 store.

These APIs give developers the ability to integrate all the essential functionalities that an e-commerce app needs to thrive, 如产品目录访问, 购物车管理, 下订单及处理, 客户账户管理, 推送通知.

What are my options to have a mobile app developed for my Adobe / 线上购物 store?

为您的Adobe商务商店创建移动应用程序, 您可以聘请具有Adobe商务 api专业知识的开发团队, 比如Foresight Mobile, 为你开发一个完全本地的应用. 另外, you could use third-party Adobe商务 extensions and plugin templates to streamline the integration process, 但是,与完全本地构建相比,您将得到劣质产品.

Adobe商务和线上购物 2有什么不同?

This still confuses a lot of people (even people who are already using one or the other!),所以让我们来澄清一下.

线上购物 2 and Adobe商务 are both built on the same core e-commerce technology, 但主要的区别在于线上购物 2是一个开源平台, 这意味着它可以免费使用和修改. Adobe商务, 另一方面, 是付费平台吗, and you’ll get a full Adobe商务 support package with an Adobe商务 license. 

线上购物 2的设置和维护可能很复杂, 所以,如果你不熟悉web开发,这不是最好的选择. Adobe商务, 另一方面, is far easier to set up and maintain and comes with loads of features and functions, 但是你要在月底付订阅费.

线上购物和. Adobe商务:哪个平台适合您?

最适合你的平台取决于你的具体需求和预算. 如果你是一家技术知识有限的小公司, 那么线上购物 2将是您更好的选择. 然而, if you are a larger business with more complex needs and a wider range of functions, 那么Adobe商务可能是一个更好的选择.

我们邀请了来自 勇敢的 how they’ve found working with Adobe商务 and how easy it was to migrate their web store to a mobile app that works seamlessly on iOS and Android.

There is little difference between 线上购物 and Adobe商务 when it comes to development.  Projects with both platforms come with high project overheads, as well as running costs once live. 我们过去也开发过手机应用, and we learned that it’s best to leave it to the experts like Foresight - the rules on the design, 开发和进入应用商店是完全不同的. 有一些现成的移动应用解决方案, but in ecommerce it’s not a case of one size fitting every vertical - or even every retailer in a given niche given that progressive retailers will have different requirements. Getting an app that is customised to a given retailer is crucial and will lead to much better results.

不管你选择哪个选项, we can help you develop your 线上购物 mobile app or your Adobe商务 mobile app. 我们所需要的是将移动应用程序连接到后端服务器的API, 谁能提供数据, 功能, 或者处理能力.



The short answer is yes; it will either keep you up-to-date with your competition or put you ahead of them. 电子商务应用收入达到4美元.到2022年将达到2.02万亿美元,目前60%的交易是在移动设备上完成的. 传统的电子邮件营销是无效的, and stores with native apps benefit hugely from access to push notifications to re-engage with their audience. 

我们中的许多人倾向于忽略电子邮件,不去打开它们, which means that the messages you send to your existing customers and potential new ones are ignored. Adopting a mobile app to send out marketing literature will result in a higher number of people reading your material. This potentially means that your conversions will be higher and you’ll generate more business. This is one reason why you should consider having a mobile app for your 线上购物 store.

如果你想让你的生意真正起飞, then the facts speak for themselves; an e-commerce app version of your website is a great investment.


If you research Google, there appear to be a few 线上购物 mobile app builders available. These tools could help turn your 线上购物 website into a mobile app; one of them you could possibly try is the 线上购物 2移动应用程序生成器 从Magecomp.



这又回到了你选择如何开发它. If you choose the third-party plugin method, then it could be ready in a matter of weeks. 如果你决定过得更好, 完整的本机版本, 这需要几个月的时间, 但你也会得到一个更好的, 更高性能的应用程序. 


这取决于您选择的平台选项. 如果你使用线上购物来创建你的电子商务商店, 那么成本可以忽略不计-如果你知道你在做什么. If you choose Adobe商务, then you’ll need a bigger budget to pay for the Adobe subscription.

你选择谁来制作应用也会影响你的预算. If you used an app developer like Foresight Mobile to migrate your Adobe web store to a mobile app rather than trying to build it yourself using 线上购物, then you would need a larger budget because you'd get our first-class service, 多年经验, 全质量保证测试, 和广泛的 维修保养 包含在构建成本中. 

If you’re considering migrating your Adobe商务 web store to an app, then 保持联系, 给我们一些全球最大的博彩平台您的Adobe电子商务移动应用程序项目想法的细节, 我们会给你一个没有义务的定制价格.



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