
如何 AI has changed the way mobile apps are built

AI robot creating an app on a computer | Foresight Mobile

人工智能无处不在. 或许不可避免地, it’s become very prominent in the way that mobile apps are built and then used, 所以我们想给大家一个先睹为快的机会,看看人工智能是如何改变移动应用的构建方式的. 

如何 AI is revolutionising mobile app development

As an app developer, I’ve seen firsthand how much AI has changed the game over the past decade. 从个性化的用户体验和预测分析,到生成逼真的图形和动画,以及增强现实和虚拟现实等真正的互动体验, 人工智能现在已经无缝地融入到应用开发过程中,以至于你很难找到一款不融入人工智能的应用. 

但不只是我这么想. Let's get the opinions of a couple of guys that you might have heard of…

What do our tech overlords think about the rise of AI?

The three biggest names in tech all have varying opinions about AI. In fact, it’s much like the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. 有人认为这很危险, one thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread, and the other thinks it’s juuuust right. 

大家最喜欢的亿万富翁、哑剧大反派埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)对人工智能的崛起是这样说的:

“没有人喜欢被监管, 但是所有的东西(汽车), 飞机, 食物, 药物, etc) that’s a danger to the public is regulated. 我也应该如此。.”

来源: X (原推特)

马克·扎克伯格, 与此同时, 更乐观, saying that the source codes should be freely available:

“开源推动创新,因为它使更多的开发人员能够使用新技术进行构建. It also improves safety and security because when software is open, more people can scrutinize it to identify and fix potential issues.”

来源: Vox.com

Finally, once-cool Bill Gates is far more optimistic than his billionaire brethren:


来源: CMSWire


To give you an idea of how dominant AI has become in app building, here are a few stats:

•    In 2022 alone, the AI app sector generated a seriously impressive $2.5 billion, and that figure is projected to increase 38.3% by 2028

•    The highest-grossing AI app last year was FaceApp, raking in a cool $100 million

•    Over 660 million people use Siri every month

•    Apple has the biggest market share of voice-assisted apps (36%)

(来源: 应用商业)

What does all this mean in a real-world scenario?

So now that we’ve heard from the tech big shots and you’ve seen how much money is involved, 让我从我作为应用开发者的角度,给你们一个更实际的视角,以及它如何影响你作为用户的应用体验.




通过十大正规博彩网站评级分析用户数据的人工智能,应用程序可以了解用户的偏好和兴趣. This is then used to personalise the app's content, features, and recommendations. 下面是一个现实世界的例子:

你有过这样的经历吗?你和你的朋友一直在谈论一些非常随意的事情, 给青蛙戴上帽子——然后你上脸书,惊讶地发现你的动态中突然出现了青蛙帽子的广告,这真是太巧了? 

抱歉打破了你的幻想, but coincidence has nothing to do with it; that’s AI using things such as your past browsing history, 你在社交媒体上关注的话题, and the location you’re in to show you that ad. 聪明,不是吗?


AI can also be used to predict future user behaviour, which is then used to improve the app's performance and user experience.

这里有一个例子. Imagine I can offer my clients two identical retail apps; one includes an AI function that predicts and learns which products users are likely to buy the more they use it, 而另一个没有. Which one do you think will convert more customers?  

你看到, 通过使用人工智能来挖掘过去的购买历史和浏览行为等信息,从而做出这些产品预测, 我可以做一个应用程序,不仅会让我的客户更多的钱,但也为您提供更愉快的用户体验. 如何? By recommending more of the products you might like, 改进应用程序的搜索结果, and targeting you with more relevant ads. 这对每个人都是双赢的.


人工智能让我第一次能够创造出具有1:1互动界面的应用程序, making interactions smoother and more natural. 


“Hey, Siri/Alexa/Google/Bixby/Cortana, who played Quint in the film Jaws?*”


“你好,今天我能帮你什么忙吗?? 请简要说明您全球最大的博彩平台的原因,以便我把您转给合适的人.”

这些类似人类说话的界面意味着用户可以使用自然语言与应用程序交互,并得到自然的回应, whether you're typing or speaking to them. 它也给了我们, 作为应用开发者, 通过Siri或嘿,谷歌,让用户用他们的声音打开你的应用程序和它的内容.



人工智能可以帮助像我这样的应用开发者节省时间和资源,因为它可以加速生成单元测试代码和创建应用功能原型等任务. This allows us to iterate quickly and produce a comprehensive test suite, saving time and simplifying maintenance for our customers.

它还通过优化用户体验来提高我开发的应用程序的准确性和可靠性, 检测欺诈行为, 改善他们的整体表现.

What that means for you as an app user is a smoother, 更安全的, and more efficient app user experience - and if the AI does its job properly, you’ll never give it a second's thought or realise that it's even there. 

Improved accessibility for people with disabilities

All the above examples show you how AI can make my life a bit easier when I’m building an app, 但也许最值得开发的应用是人工智能让我帮助残疾人更容易使用移动应用. 例如,我可以使用AI来:

•    Provide text-to-speech for visually impaired users

•    Translate the app's interface into different languages

•    Simplify the app's controls for users with motor impairments


如果这些例子引起了你的兴趣,你想要更多全球最大的博彩平台如何在你的移动应用中部署AI的例子, then take a look at this LinkedIn article or speak to my team for more information.

The future of AI in mobile app development

I can see some of the potential future uses of AI in mobile app development; apps that can interact with the physical world, such as self-driving cars; apps that can diagnose and treat medical conditions; and apps that can provide personalised education and training.

我也在尝试生成人工智能,以及用户如何以一种更吸引人的方式与之互动. e的列表.g., holiday destination suggestions is easy to create with GPT, 但把他们带到一个动画地球仪上更有可能抓住消费者的想象力.

The use of AI in mobile app development is still in its early stages, but it’s rapidly growing - and I expect my job to keep getting more and more exciting.

If you’d like to know more about the possibilities that AI can bring to your app or website, then get in touch and speak to me or any member of my team. I think you’ll be shocked at just how advanced the app we can build for you could be.

