

在foresight mobile开发Android应用程序

我们可能有偏见,但我们认为 Android应用开发 应该是每个企业主的首要任务吗. Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world, which means an Android app could be extremely lucrative for your business. 

However, there are a multitude of different ways of getting your app to market, and the best solution for you will depend on factors like time, experience, budget, 以及应用程序的整体功能.  

So, 让我们开始吧, and we’ll tell you what you need to consider when you create an app for Android.


我们可以给你几十亿个理由! 这里有一些 stats 这会让你热泪盈眶;

  • 有3个.全球有30亿Android用户

  • There are 2.Google Play应用商店中有7600万款Android应用

  • 1.仅2022年一年就售出570亿部安卓手机

  • 作为一个操作系统,安卓的得分是71分.8%的市场份额,几乎是苹果iOS的3倍 



The idea

Before we tell you how to create an app for Android, you’ll need an idea. Our advice is to do lots of planning and research before you start building because, 如上图所示, 竞争非常激烈. You'll need to know things like, what are the most popular apps in your category? 趋势是什么?? 你的应用可以解决哪些痛点? 

一旦你确定了这一点, 把这些都写在纸上, 设定你的目标, 画一些线框图, and devote a lot of time to getting the UI and UX right because those are the things that will keep people coming back for more. 你可以找到更多全球最大的博彩平台 我们自己的设计过程.

Right, now that you’ve got the idea and the design mapped out, who’s going to build it? 


There are three different ways you could go about doing your Android应用开发: using an app builder, 雇佣自由职业者, 或者和一家机构合作. App builders should really only be considered if you’ve got no coding experience, 预算几乎为零, 我只想做一个非常有限的演示. Freelancers can give you more control over the design and functionality of your app, 但它们可能更贵, 而像Foresight Mobile这样的机构可以为你提供一个 全方位服务,从设计和开发到营销和支持.

But let’s look at the app builder side of things in a bit more detail. 这是怎么做到的? 


如果你决定使用app builder, you’ll need to know whether you want to use a pre-configured template or if you’ll be designing your app from scratch. Pre-configured templates are a good option if you’re on a tight deadline or have a limited budget, but they probably won’t be as flexible as a custom-designed app is, 特别是在执行更新时.

Bespoke functionality or pre-configured using a no-code app builder

无代码应用程序构建器 使用人工智能创建安卓应用程序. This can be a great option if you have no coding experience or if you want to create a simple app quickly, but the apps can be extremely limited in terms of the functionality they offer. If you need to create a complex Android app with bespoke functionality, then you should seriously consider 雇佣自由职业者 或者和一家机构合作 instead.

好了,你的Android应用现在已经构建好了. Hurrah! 接下来是什么?


Regardless of how your app is built, testing is an integral part of any app's build. 进行尽可能多的单元测试, 集成测试, and user acceptance testing as you can to fix bugs and improve the app's overall performance before it’s published.


Once your app is developed and as glitch-free as you can make it, 你需要将其提交到Google Play Store. This process is relatively straightforward, but there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind. 首先,你要确保 你的应用符合Google Play Store的要求. Second, you need to create a compelling app description and screenshots to entice people to download it, 最后, 你需要为你的应用设定一个价格. 这里值得注意的是 96.Google Play应用商店中9%的应用是免费的, 所以如果你要为你的安卓应用收费, 那么它的价格就必须合理,才有竞争力.


Android应用开发 can be a daunting task, even if it’s not your first time building one. 你有很多选择, 但俗话说, “一分钱一分货”, 在这里尤其如此. No-code app development might save you a bit of time and money initially, 但众所周知,使用它是有限制的,而且有很多bug. 自由开发者会做得很好, but their involvement will probably end not long after the project’s completion, 那谁来帮你更新呢?

Foresight Mobile的团队可以帮助您制定计划, 进行故障排除, 然后执行你的构建, 我们还可以让你的安卓应用保持最新状态, bug-free, 像丝绸一样顺滑 支持和维护服务

我们开发应用程序已经将近十年了, 我们用了Flutter, 反应本地 and native Kotlin in Android应用开发 for our clients. We’re confident we can pour our years of experience into creating a world-class Android app for your business, 所以联系吧, 告诉我们你的想法, 和在一起, we’ll craft something that will take your business to the next level and beyond.

