

跨平台应用开发| Foresight Mobile

Developing a mobile app is pretty much a given if you want your business to succeed online, 特别是如果你的贸易涉及电子商务或B2B.

但是最好的方法是什么呢? 有没有一款软件可以节省时间, 钱, 以及建造上的延迟, 不管你的业务是什么? While there’s no such equivalent as a magic wand that you can cast over the app-building process, 有些东西很接近:跨平台框架. 

但什么是跨平台移动框架? 它能做什么?? 哪一个最适合用于你的业务移动应用程序,有什么缺点吗?



A cross-platform app framework is a software framework that allows app development agencies like Foresight Mobile to build mobile applications that can run on multiple operating systems using a single codebase. What that means in English is that we don’t need to write separate codebases for each platform (iOS, 安卓, 网络), 这使得开发阶段更快并节省时间, 钱, 每个人都有压力.

So, now that we’ve got that established, which is the best cross-platform framework to use? 



这取决于你的具体需求和偏好. 话虽如此, here’s a rundown of five of the most popular cross-platform frameworks and what they have to offer.


谷歌(Google)等公司都在使用, 阿里巴巴, 和超级, 颤振是一种自由, 由Google开发的开源框架. 它使用自己的引擎, Skia, 直接在设备上呈现小部件, 哪种方法能产生高性能和原生外观的应用. 如果你想让你的应用变得流畅,拥有一个真正现代的UI, 颤振是一个很好的选择. 今年早些时候,基于flutter的应用数量超过了100万, 是之前的两倍多, 所以这是一个正在崛起的平台.


反应本地 is a JavaScript framework that uses Facebook's React library to build user interfaces. 它允许我们用JavaScript编写代码, 然后将其转换为设备上的本地小部件. 我们已经使用反应本地很多年了, 我们非常喜欢它的灵活性, Facebook也是如此, Skype, 沃尔玛, 和款, 谁都有基于框架的应用程序. 但就像很多平台一样, it’s faced certain operational challenges recently that only serve to highlight the importance of hiring a skilled and versatile development team like Foresight Mobile.


This is Microsoft’s framework that uses the C# programming language to build native iOS and 安卓 apps. It allows us as developers to share a significant amount of code between the two platforms, 哪个可以节省时间和金钱. Xamarin的的另一个好处是它有一个庞大的支持社区, 所以如果有什么我们不知道答案的, 我们很快就能找到答案. 最大的缺点是UI非常局限于“表单”。, which is great for a business app but will fall short of expectations for consumer-grade UI.


离子使用HTML、CSS和JavaScript等网络技术来构建混合移动应用程序. 十多年来,它一直是跨平台玩家, 而是因为像颤振这样的平台的出现, 它的受欢迎程度正在下降。, 它的插件也不像过去那样得到维护. 对于那些简单的用例和现有的web团队, 离子型离子有一定的意义, 但是与颤振和反应本地相比,维护负担非常高.


在过去的几个月里,这个相对较新的公司获得了一些吸引力. 尽管使用Kotlin编写iOS前端代码是不可能的, 你也许可以在iOS和安卓之间共享一些业务逻辑. 对于一些已经建立android优先的服务, 这可能是一个可行的选择, 减少新iOS版本的开发时间. 对于大多数api驱动的应用来说, 然而,这些好处是微不足道的, and even the best-architected 安卓 apps will require significant refactoring to get to the point where business logic can be shared.


和所有技术一样, 使用跨平台移动框架有利有弊, 所以让我们更详细地研究一下:



A major advantage of cross-platform frameworks is the ability to write a single codebase that can be deployed on multiple platforms. This eliminates the need to develop separate codebases for iOS and 安卓, saving time and 钱.


使用单个代码库, 你可以同时向多个平台发布应用, 更快地接触到更广泛的受众. This can be a significant advantage for businesses that need to get their app to market quickly.


Maintaining and updating multiple native codebases can be a complex and time-consuming process. Cross-platform frameworks simplify this process by allowing you to maintain and make changes to a single codebase that will be reflected across all platforms. You’re also recruiting for one tech stack instead of two, vastly reducing operating costs.


你将在不同的平台上获得一致的用户体验, 无论设备或操作系统如何. This is crucial for maintaining brand consistency and providing a seamless user experience for all app users.


They’re designed to be scalable, making it easier to adapt and extend your app to new platforms. 这是对未来的投资, 在颤振案中, 如果您的业务需要,您可以轻松地瞄准网络.


The popularity of cross-platform frameworks has led to a growing pool of developers experienced in using these tools, making it easier and cheaper for businesses to find qualified developers to build and maintain their cross-platform apps.


跨平台框架通常提供自己的抽象层, 减少了对本地平台sdk的依赖. This can simplify development and make apps less dependent on specific platform versions.



Al虽然 native integration has improved significantly for cross-platform frameworks (especially on 颤振 through Dart-FFI), 一些跨平台应用仍然需要进行严格的硬件整合, 比如蓝牙或摄像头支持, 难以合并.


虽然跨平台框架非常适合许多应用程序, developing complex applications with intricate UI/UX or demanding performance requirements may be more challenging with cross-platform frameworks.


The main factor to consider when choosing a mobile app development framework is its popularity and support. 在未来的岁月里, you’ll want to see that your dependencies are well-maintained and that the companies supporting your framework are actively using it for their own projects.

谷歌趋势报告是一种快速简便的方法来衡量一段时间内的兴趣, 正如你在这里看到的, 扑动似乎在世界范围内胜出. 在撰写本文时, 虽然, 反应本地在英国与它展开了激烈的竞争, 所以,看看未来一年的发展情况将会很有趣.


If you’re in any doubt about which framework you should be using to develop or refresh your app, 预订与远见移动团队的任何成员的免费咨询, 我们很乐意为您提供建议. 我们在上述所有平台上都有多年的经验, 给我们介绍一下你的项目吧, and we’ll recommend the best cross-platform mobile framework to turn your business app into a world-beater.

