

尽管多年来取得了进步,但女性在科技行业的代表性仍然明显不足. 系统性的性别障碍——比如无意识的偏见, 缺乏受教育的机会, 文化规范会让女性很难进入科技行业. 但是我们如何打破这些障碍呢?

按照我们简单的一步一步指南来寻找答案. 无论你是打破了一个障碍还是消除了所有障碍,任何进步都是积极的.


首先,我们需要人们认识到障碍的存在. 如果我们不知道它的存在,我们怎么能修复它呢?

Unconscious and conscious bias due to cultural and societal norms are barriers that have been growing and growing over time. 虽然这些偏见并不总是有意的, 他们影响教育, 职业选择, 以及在招聘过程中做出的决定.

Women are often subjected to gender stereotypes that suggest they’re not as competent or committed as men in the tech industry. 事实上, 70%的女性从事科技行业 因为自己的性别,觉得自己需要更努力地工作,证明自己. 对于……尤其如此 孕妇 谁觉得有必要“超越”正常标准, 以及隐瞒任何疾病,以免显得不可靠. 在招聘时,这可能会导致歧视和自我监管, 升职和(你猜对了)薪水.

As 麦肯锡 在2023年的一篇文章中指出, 减少女性在技术岗位上的孤立, 引入更广泛的支持网络, 支持性人力资源政策, 有效的赞助都是积极解决女性痛点和需求的方式. 第一个建议特别有趣, 尤其是当你考虑到185名女性求职者中有45% 调查) would be put off from applying to a job if the company had no female employees in management positions.

根据… 普华永道的报告, 在科技行业,只有5%的领导职位由女性担任, 这表明在科技行业职业发展的每个阶段都存在不同的性别差距. 女性员工不仅失去了榜样, but a lack of strategy around increasing diversity prevents people who don’t identify as a white CisHet man from playing a full role in shaping the future of our society – something that is desperately needed to help address issues of bias, 滥用和数字鸿沟的扩大.

公司也 33%的可能性 to benefit from industry-leading profitability if their executive teams represent more cultural and ethnic minorities.


你知道吗? 92% 18-25岁的女性说不出一个科技界的著名女性?

34% 说他们在学校没学到足够的技术知识 22% 据报道,他们在学校或大学里被老师引导远离这些科目.

Role models and representation play a huge part in inspiring people to pursue particular career paths – and when it comes to the tech industry, 这没什么不同. 研究 调查还显示,年轻女性正在寻找能给她们带来目标的角色(46%)。, 使他们能够对世界做出积极的改变(41%), 做有回报的工作(41%), and are looking for openings that give them the opportunity to make technology more inclusive to women (40%).

学习与工作研究所的一项研究表明,英国正面临“数字技能危机迫在眉睫,原因是参加IT课程的年轻人数量不断下降, IT专业的A-level新生中,年轻女性只占17%.

所以与其 积极劝阻女性追求科技, we should be looking at ways to speak their language – and we need to be having those conversations before any bias is built in to suggest IT isn’t “women’s work”. 这包括消除一个戴着兜帽的男性在黑暗中坐在电脑前编码的图像, 而不是, 开始说明技术的可能性以及它将如何改善世界. 我们还需要确保女性担任重要的技术角色. As 麦肯锡 指出:

“很多女性, 事实上, 从事衰退最快的技术岗位, 比如系统管理员和程序员分析师, which are also the roles that have been disproportionately affected by the recent waves of tech layoffs. Companies should focus on hiring and training women to assume tech roles that are gaining importance in the marketplace and society, 比如产品线索, 机器学习工程师, 和人工智能专家.”


Companies should actively seek to increase diversity in their hiring processes – through changing the language in job descriptions to make them more inclusive, 在不同的平台上发布招聘广告, 提供一些调整,比如提前发送面试问题, and implementing blind recruitment practices that remove identifying information such as names and genders from CVs.

Unconscious bias training can also help hiring managers look beyond gender stereotypes during the recruitment process.


创造一个重视多样性的包容环境, promotes equality and encourages women to share their perspectives can help other women to feel more comfortable and confident in pursuing careers in tech. 提供指导计划, active sponsorship – in the form of advocating for those in the minority and opening doors to sponsors’ networks – and opportunities for career development are all great contributors.

采用弹性工作制也是迎合个人需要的有效方法. 它不仅为所有员工提供了全面的福利, 所以没有一个人或团体觉得被孤立,也没有风险 距离偏差 减少了, it also takes into consideration a wider variety of personal needs – such as a parent’s need to juggle childcare, 对年迈父母的无酬照顾责任, 宗教住宿, 健康预约或考虑事项, 残疾方面的考虑.

如果您的组织有可能实施这些变更, 你正在向更投入的员工敞开大门, 提高顶尖人才的保留率, 更满意的员工.

It’s not about giving one group of people an advantage over another; it’s about recognising different circumstances and the exact resources and opportunities needed to help everybody reach equal opportunities. 卡罗琳·贝尔登(Caroline Belden,作家)包容性解决方案”)如此完美的短语: “Equality is leaving the door open for anyone who has the means to approach it; equity is ensuring there is a pathway to that door for those who need it.”


《全球最大的博彩平台》发现 从事科技行业的女性仅占23%.5%的高薪工作. 有利的一面是,与2020-21年度的17个差距相比,差距缩小了.3%.

阿曼达·布兰科,英杰华首席执行官, has estimated that it will take another 30 years for the pay gap to close if we are to continue at the “frustratingly slow” rate we are currently at. 在麦肯锡2021年的“职场女性”报告中, 他们发现,每100名晋升为经理的男性中, 只有86名女性达到了同样的水平. This disparity is one of the reasons the gender pay gap is so wide –females are missing out on being promoted to more senior roles with higher pay and are often “stuck” in more administrative roles with less career progression opportunities.

同时也在研究如何增加STEM领域各级女性的代表性, firms should conduct regular pay audits and provide salary transparency so we – as a sector – can continue to raise awareness and, 在相关的, 我们缺乏进步的责任.


政策变化在打破科技行业对女性的系统性障碍方面发挥了重要作用. 例如, 促进带薪育儿假的政策, 灵活的工作时间表, 而且,负担得起的托儿服务可以帮助那些可能承担照顾责任的科技行业女性. 另外, policies that address pay equity and workplace harassment can help create a more equitable workplace for those disproportionately affected.


同样,女性在有了孩子后对工作的投入也会受到质疑, 73%的在职父亲认为存在“延长陪产假给他们带来了耻辱, with nearly all respondents (95%) agreeing that workplace culture needed to be transformed to normalise men taking time off.” 如果我们想消除工作场所的不平等, we – the people – need to address our internalised sexism when it comes to the roles men and women are “suppose” to play.

所有初为父母的人在休假期间都应该得到适当的照顾和报酬, 需要时分阶段返回工作岗位, 还有“保持联系”的日子,这样当他们回来的时候,他们会觉得更了解情况. Only once men receive equal opportunities here will women stop shouldering the discrimination that comes with being a women presumed capable of having children and therefore a potential burden to an organisation.





如第二步所述, 我们需要在女孩还小的时候向她们介绍STEM的可能性. Excite them about what a STEM career looks like and offer them encouragement if they show signs of interest. 这种努力从幼儿园就开始了,应该一直持续到他们离开学校.

一旦他们踏入了广阔的世界, 奖学金, 学徒制, and training programs can provide women with the necessary skills and education to pursue careers in tech. 这些项目提供交流机会、职业咨询以及获得导师的机会. 拥有成功的女性导师和榜样可以提供指导, 支持, 以及对女性的启发.

幸运的是, 英国政府在学徒制度上投入了大量资金, offering financial incentives to employers who take on apprentices whilst funding the training – so something to consider if you are not already doing so.

同样值得记住的是,任何时候都不晚 改变你的职业道路.

有一种误解是,你必须长得像埃隆·马斯克,或者像扎克伯格那样写代码才能成功, 而事实上, STEM是一个拥有无数机会的行业,受益于可转移技能. 组织最好能从尚未开发的人才库中寻找人才, offering training programs that welcome different backgrounds and give them the tools they need to continue building up their tech skills.

在GlobalLogic,我们欢迎并鼓励职业转换者通过GlobalLogic学院. 这项倡议每年进行两次, 为与会者提供成为成功的IT顾问所需的技能.

你是一个有抱负的职业转换者吗? 联系 careers@uk.globallogic.com 了解更多.


Breaking down systemic barriers for women in tech will require a multifaceted approach and won’t happen overnight. 通过共同努力解决这些障碍, 我们可以创造一个更加多元化和包容性的科技产业,造福所有人.

技术专家正在设计我们的未来. 十大正规博彩网站评级他们的行列.

