
We asked the Intechnica team: what's the biggest learning curve you've faced in your career?

在我们的职业生涯中, whether it be starting a new job or changing our career path, 我们经常经历学习曲线. We tend to witness the steepest curve initially at the start of our career but it is natural to experience sudden periods of adjustment wherever we may be on our career path. The main goal is to learn how to deal with this constant feeling of having to learn and adapt.

So, we asked our team; what's the biggest learning curve you've experienced in your career? 看看他们是怎么说的吧!



Dealing with change can be a huge learning curve for many employees. Learning to deal with change is often something that doesn't come lightly to all of us but having the ability to view potential change with a positive mindset can help you adapt to change quicker rather than resisting it.

“The biggest learning curve in my career so far has been adjusting from working for a big multinational firm in the Manufacturing sector to a smaller firm within the Tech sector. There are a lot of differences that can be acknowledged between the two which have taken time to adjust to. A smaller team has also given me a broader insight into the Finance department, which has meant having to pick up concepts and terminology more quickly.”

Beccy Kusu-Orkar, 管理会计

“当我转到一个非编码的技术主管角色时. I started in a new company so everyone knew more than me, but I felt they expected me to be the expert because I was the Tech Lead. I also had to cope with new management skills and the huge levels of context-switching based on the nature of the job and the number of teams I was working with. For nearly 6 months I left the office every day feeling grateful I’d not been discovered and fired. I had periods of extreme stress that I’d never experienced before.

My breakthrough was when I stopped trying to pretend I knew what people were talking about and started asking, 我的想法, 都是很基本的问题. It turns out I wasn’t the only one who didn’t understand and I was able to better apply the skills I’d be hired for in the first place.“



你不可能马上知道怎么做每件事, and even knowing the theoretical fundamentals of your role can still leave you needing to get to grips with the new environments. The key is to be patient with yourself and accept that becoming an expert takes time.

“云服务,如AWS、Azure和GCP. 从Intechnica开始, I began learning about the cloud by studying for the cloud certification courses, 但这些信息都没有留下印象. It reminded me of my Computer Science A-Level actually, 因为它主要是在记忆定义. 后来我发现在工作中学习效果更好, as you can see first-hand how cloud tools can be used to solve complex technical problems.
另外,编写产品代码. 来自研究背景, where unit testing is not required and practically no one reads or executes your code, to an industry where you’re collaborating with others using git and your code needs to run 24/7 without error, 是相当大的跳跃.“


“One of the steepest learning curves within my current role has been my knowledge of coding and Python in particular. It has been really interesting moving from learning to code in my spare time, 在我的硕士课程中进行研究项目, 编写专业和生产就绪的代码. 虽然这很有挑战性, as the responsibility of working toward a deadline within a professional team can add pressure, it has also been very rewarding seeing myself improve as time goes on.”



We can often feel overwhelmed when entering a new job or industry, 然而, it is important to not be intimidated by the knowledge and experience of our colleagues but instead, 意识到他们曾经处于同样的位置.

“Working in consultancy you have to learn to trust your own opinion. Having only had a couple of years formal experience in technology before I became a consultant I wasn’t sure how much value I could add to a project with my opinion, but I soon found that my initial thoughts were usually along the same lines as those of my more experienced colleagues and I gained the confidence to share them. I also found that many experiences I had in my previous career were relevant, 尽管背景可能非常不同.”


“The most obvious thing that comes to mind is understanding the industry better. 因为我没有技术背景, it definitely took me a while to understand the industry lingo and the latest developments in the world of tech.
Luckily, we have some great experts in the business who are always up for sharing their knowledge.“


Whatever challenges and learning curves we face in our careers, we should never feel overwhelmed by the unexpected bumps along the way.

