
用封锁来做假药, adjusting (and readjusting) marketing plans and trying to get through copy without mentioning the phrase ‘unprecedented times’ – it’s been a weird one.

但 that’s enough of that, and we’re only looking forward. The team at integrated marketing agency Jam share our thoughts on what we see coming up over the next year. 


Authenticity will remain a strong theme for brands in 2022, 随着消费者寻找与他们一致的品牌. Consumers are looking for more than value for money – they want to see a brand’s commitment to its social values.

Good old PR and coverage generation will be the backbone of brands’ efforts for authenticity, utilising thought-leadership to not only give greater insight to their offering but also to share their brand purpose and the impact they have on society and the environment.

We have already seen a marked shift towards an increase in PR activity among our clients, who are looking to connect with consumers beyond scrolling online, and share their ‘why’ through longer-form articles and third-party testimony via case studies.

Dave Gee,创意总监

With everyone’s patience running low following almost two years of lockdowns and further impending restrictions, brands will be looking to connect with audiences on a genuine level. And with humans being humans, brands will achieve this in the form of humour. Humour will be the driver of targeted campaigns to support messaging and connect on a level that resonates with people as we all adapt to the “new normal”. 它将是敏捷的、有趣的、以人为本的.

stephen Houghton-Johns,社交媒体总监

NFTs (a digital asset that belongs to the person who has it in their crypto wallet) and Blockchain… We’re moving into phase 3 of the internet, 数据为王,用户拥有数据. Taking power away from the titans of the digital world and placing it back into the user’s hands. 相信我,会很成功的!

Dan Muir,高级创意总监

I think we’ll see brands aiming to be more transparent with their products and services and how conscious they are of the climate emergency. Brands can easily be accused of green-washing if they’re not honest about how they impact the world we live in, 这意味着他们可能会失去客户的忠诚度.


对我们中的一些人来说, 90年代就像昨天一样, but there’s a whole generation that never experienced them. For that generation, the 90’s are perceived as something conceptually new. 复古不再意味着80年代或以前. 用理想化的目光向后看, 我们将开始看到更多的孟菲斯设计模式, 简单的表情符号和原始的互联网框架. Bright colours, bold shapes, grainy textures and pixelated art will also make a return.

Davina Consoli,客户经理


Following an increase in virtual events over the last 24 months as a result of ongoing lockdowns and travel restrictions, we’ll see brands continue to opt for hybrid events.

A mixture of both in-person and virtual elements will enable events to be more inclusive to the masses – meaning that audiences from both close and afar can join in. 它们不仅具有包容性, but they also support more sustainable business practices – it’s a win-win for both organisations and their employees.

Amy Shirtcliffe,数字专家

With customers’ options growing so quickly that they’re spoilt for choice, brands can no longer rely on reputation alone and need to step it up or get left behind. We’ll see brands start to utilise their data more than ever to deliver personalised messaging through integration with their CRM and CMS – tools that sit there not being used to their full potential at the moment. This will mean better targeting, better tracking and more measurable results – a win for everyone.

Niamh Kelly,客户经理

随着抖音和Instagram视频的兴起, social media content continues to shift in favour of entertaining videos. This means businesses need to embrace this change with open arms so that they can effectively market across different channels. 但, with audiences’ attention spans getting shorter and shorter each year, marketing strategies need to align with the demand for quick, 新内容. Just because there’s a three-minute option, doesn’t mean you need to use it!

Maurice Gee, Client Services Director (and Office Dog)

提供零食的机器. 想象一下,?

If you’re looking for a Jam-hot agency to execute your marketing strategy to perfection in 2022, 保持联系,讨论你的需求. 



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