

通往职业的道路并不总是一条. Experiences and passions often shape the route we take in our professional lives. In this post 3 Business Analysts at Made Tech share the stories behind what led them to where they are today.

尤里卡! 我成为Made Tech商业分析师的发现之旅


尤里卡 comes from the Ancient Greek word εὕρηκα (heúrēka), which means “I have found (it)”. 它经常在数学中被用作发现的感叹词. This is where my journey begins: at Reading University where I studied mathematics.


There are many branches of mathematics and very early on I took a particular interest in analysis. I suppose my reason for this stems from my personal drive to understand why, 尽我所能得到那个解释. This is incredibly important within business analysis as recognising the underlying purpose, 原因与信念, can really help in revealing the true requirements and aid in design. 

解决问题同样重要, and let’s just say there wasn’t a lack of problems within my courses at university to test me on this. I distinctly remember one of my favourite subjects being water waves, where we’d be given information about an underwater earthquake and asked to calculate the speed, 相应波的力和半径. 能够有条不紊地解决这个问题, and then see the benefits of applying this to a real-life situation was an eye-opener, and motivated me to seek a career that could use this critical thinking. 

有趣的是, my initial pull for going to university wasn’t the career opportunities it could offer,  但它带来的社会生活.  结识新朋友, building on relationships and interacting with individuals from different backgrounds helped me to build strong social skills that can help greatly when working in a squad or managing stakeholders.


I graduated in the early summer of 2019 and was quickly pushed into finding a job by my parents’ promise to start charging me rent! I had attended a few job fairs at university and I had worked out what I didn’t want to pursue career-wise. 但我不完全确定我想做什么. I began searching for entry business analyst roles partly because I believed it would give me a good mix of social, 分析解决问题的能力. 但也因为我需要从某个地方开始. A month later I began work for a software company in the wholesale finance sector as a junior business analyst. 

This was my first role in IT and even though I had some coding experience from my classes at university, 我还有很多东西要学! I threw myself head first into challenges and wasn’t afraid to ask questions or do further research into a topic I was unsure of. So, I was able to overcome my lack in technical knowledge very quickly and was appointed to a role within a squad which meant I was entirely responsible for data migration. 后来,我甚至被称为“移民女王”。. 

My first huge success as a BA was on a project in Australia where I planned and executed a large-scale, 项目启动的大爆炸迁移. The migration took roughly 3 days and I think I only had about 10 hours sleep across those. 我清楚地记得听过《全球最大的博彩平台》! by Vengaboys on repeat, at 3am on one of those days in an effort to keep myself awake. 

Anyway – all those hours were eventually worth it when we successfully went live with a minimal number of hiccups. 我记得我感到无比自豪, 因为我不仅在一个巨大的项目中尽了自己的一份力量, but also made the first break into the Australian market for my company. 一旦我们从周末中恢复过来, 我们吃着喝着庆祝,就在那一刻, 和我的同事们坐在一起,我非常尊重他们的工作, that I knew being a business analyst was the right path for me – EUREKA!


A few years later my confidence had flourished and I was a fully-fledged member of the BA team. 然后,COVID来了,和许多人一样,我感到无助. 我能帮什么忙?? 我主持筹款活动, 献血,甚至参加NHS每周的鼓掌活动, 但我觉得这还不够. I said to my partner, “I would just love to be able to do my job and make a difference.就像变魔术一样,领英(LinkedIn)上的一则招聘广告吸引了我的眼球. 这是一家名为Made Tech的公司的业务分析师职位. 

信的开头是这样写的:“我们的使命很简单! 我们相信我们可以利用科技来改善公共服务.” I went on to research Made Tech and stumbled upon the case studies describing the benefits made while working with the public sector. I was thrilled to discover I could do my job and feel like I was actually making a difference to something I really cared about.

我们目前正在招聘Made Tech的一些BA职位. 你可以在我们的职业页面上找到这些. 成为Made Tech的商业分析师没有“最好的方法”. 这就是我的旅程. 也许有一天我能听到你的声音.

Perfect porridge: a journey to becoming a business analyst at Made Tech


My journey started as an intern Business Analyst (BA) at a consultancy helping SMEs to navigate the vast terrain of digital services. 我学的是体育商业与管理学士学位, 成为文学士并不是我计划的职业. 而且不是我特别熟悉的一个. In fact, I didn’t have a clue what to expect when I started this new role.

当然,我确实有一些误解. I had fears I’d be siloed constantly “analysing” company policies, procedures and processes. There was a worry I’d spend my time attending daunting meetings with execs endlessly throwing requirements at me.

而不是, I entered a world where I had the autonomy to establish requirements from a wide pool of users. I fell in love with the discover-as-you-work process I was encouraged to use from the start.

At each stage of a project, I’m constantly discovering and adjusting how we deliver accordingly. 每件作品都是独一无二的,就像人类的指纹一样. 我总是被吸引去理解更大的图景. And I’ve been hooked since grasping the fundamental practices of an agile BA. 


在哈克尼长大, 斯特里汉姆和布里克斯顿, 我的母亲工作勤奋,当了20多年的护士, 公共部门在我的家庭生活中扮演了重要的角色. 

My gratitude for all things public sector carried me through university, particularly my experiences supporting local government projects with Gloucestershire County Council and Cardiff Council. I worked alongside experienced sport development officers and education governors to develop more inclusive, 活跃和安全的社区. 我也爱上了教书. I was offered the chance to teach secondary level physical education while studying, and this only solidified my respect and admiration for our public sector workers.  

作为文学士的成长, I started to reflect on my role and how to establish myself as a fully fledged member of staff. 坦白说, I struggled to find a reason to feel motivated by the kinds of projects coming down the pipeline. 

I began to dive into my own experiences and reflect on why some gave me the motivation to stay late. Whether this was to do more research, manage student reports or sharpen workshops. 然后在年假期间的一天,我突然想到. I needed a new endeavour where I could use and develop my BA skills while supporting projects that would help society. 吸引我的是公共部门的透明度. I wanted to see the positive effect my work has on real people everyday. 

I decided to end my contract with my first consultancy and embark on two contract experiences. The first at a local government council and the second an education federation governing over 20 further education and secondary academies around Bristol. 我想以专业人士的身份试试公共部门的水. 然而, I was aware of the assumptions around a slower bureaucratic way of working, 严格的工作时间和顽固的利益相关者.  


我花了两年时间在地方议会项目上, supporting YMCA outreach services and enhancing digital capabilities for students and tutors. I knew the public sector was where I’d find the intrinsic motivation I needed. 

I looked for a permanent position where I could continue to use my BA skills. 我在领英(LinkedIn)上偶然发现了一则招聘广告. After giving the post a good read and doing my own research on the company, I was hooked. 

From their active and 创新 ways of helping modernise public sector legacy applications and working practices to its inclusive, 创新, learning-centred, 反馈——重视公司文化. But once again it was the transparency of all of these elements within Made Tech that sparked my interest. 

I joined the company to make a positive contribution working on projects that impact the lives of everyday people like my family. 令人惊讶的是,我发现了这一点. I’m currently supporting the DVLA’s Vehicle Excise Duty Reminder project. 

再过几周我就要参加驾驶考试了, it’s clear that the service will be useful to me as a new licence holder. And this is exactly why I wanted to join the public sector: the relatability. 无论是支持内政部的数字化能力, NHS或DVLA, 其价值始终是改善普通人的生活. 



到目前为止,我的经历告诉我,你可以成为任何你想成为的人, 只要你注意力集中,意志坚定. 这是我的故事.

我从很小的时候就一直想成为一名会计, and that became more apparent as my love for numbers grew – especially mathematics and accounting. 我喜欢处理数字和解决问题. My passion led me to study an accounting and finance BA at the University of Kent.

After graduating and entering the job market, I realised employers looked for years of experience. 我得从梯子的最底层开始往上爬. 我这样做了大约6年,然后意识到我想要更多. 

我想要一些不单调的东西. 一些更具挑战性和探索性的东西. Something that needed critical thinking, analysis and problem solving. I needed a role that would add value and make a real impact in society. 就在那时,我偶然接触到了商业分析(BA)。.

I met a friend who was a Business Analysis Trainer at the time who explained the role to me. 我自学了BCS BA基础, 我通过考试并申请了我的第一份文学学士工作, 找到工作. 


I worked as a Business Analyst for different organisations before moving on to the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). I want to talk about my time in DWP because that’s where I gained my experience of being a rounded BA. During this time I also gained skills and experiences in mentoring and how to be an active member of a community of practice.

I was offered a business analyst role at DWP and I found myself in the integration team. 在最初的三个月里,我怀疑自己是否犯了一个错误. Every meeting I found myself in felt like they were speaking another language. 

I shadowed a contract BA until her contract ended and she had to move on. 我哭得很厉害. 大家都以为是因为她要走了, 但这也是因为我知道我有很大的责任要承担.

我很快提醒自己要集中精力,下定决心. 我慢慢地但稳步地学习api, 的文档, 集成点, 架构图, AWS——这样的例子不胜枚举. 架构师、开发人员和开发运维工程师成了我最好的朋友. I would attend every one of their meetings so I could pick up a new word or two. 

Before I knew it I started having constructive conversations and speaking technical jargon. I found myself starting to teach, coach and mentor other BAs that joined. 我已经成为了整合方面的专家. The role gave me the understanding of how the frontend links to the backend and therefore the whole picture of end-to-end processes and systems. 对此我将永远心存感激.


Made Tech一有机会就把自己卖给了我. 我是通过在LinkedIn上认识的一个朋友介绍到这家公司的. I was blown away by their core values and transparency through their online handbook which tells you all you need to know about the organisation. The fact their clients are within the public sector was also a plus for me, aligning with my personal values of making a real impact in society. 


I’m working as a Senior Business Analyst in MadeTech and even in this short period I’ve been given opportunities to grow my career. It’s the place to be for any Business Analyst or those in the tech space looking for an opportunity to grow your career whilst making a difference. 我们有机会通过以客户为中心来增加价值, 有交付的动力和指导他人的热情. 

