

我们最近 发表案例研究 about housing repairs challenges in the UK and how local authorities are spending an astounding £30 million each year, 只接听房屋维修电话. 支持这些议会, we created an online service to help tenants in local authority housing report their repair needs. 

我搬到Made Tech

I’m proud to have worked on the housing repairs product since 2019, from the first day of discovery. 在这段旅程中,我与6个地方议会合作过, 他们都面临着房屋维修方面的类似挑战. Together we strived to create something different, a product developed around people’s real needs. 

Most recently I was working as Organisation Change lead and also product owner for this work at the City of Lincoln Council. Designing a product with user needs at its core was crucial for all of us in the team, leading us to create a reusable and adaptable product that’s easy for tenants to use. 我们希望确保服务在设计上是可访问的, 所以我们使用GDS工具包来开发它. Creating a true online service meant it was available 24/7 – a crucial part of helping tenants feel supported around the clock. Offering such a user-friendly service has meant we can shift demand to this online channel, allowing customers to self-serve at a time that suits them while saving staff valuable time. 

A perfect way to catch-up on the history of the project, view demos, and view previous outputs is on 这个博客. 

自2022年5月搬到Made Tech以来, I’m delighted to have stayed close to the project where I’m able to input on the work that’s close to my heart. I’d love to see councils continue to jump on the reusability of what we’ve designed, supporting staff and residents to benefit from the work we’ve done so far. 


Working closely with residents we created a service that allows them to report up to 63 different types of repairs. These cover the bathroom, bedrooms, kitchen, living and outside areas. 

We’re currently in the process of adding more features to the tool that will allow tenants to report issues around communal repairs, extending it to leaseholders and the ability to cancel or amend a repair. 为居民创造一个无缝的体验, we’re also looking into integrating the tool with the NEC (Northgate) housing management system.

Putting people at the heart of this work we really wanted to make sure we were including valuable features. So we’ve designed the tool to allow anyone to book a repair, no login is required. 包括这个功能意味着照顾者, grandchildren or wardens can log repairs on behalf of older residents or those who may not be comfortable with technology. 这种方法是团队真正引以为傲的. The service will then be ready for wide reuse all over the country.


像许多议会一样, all our partners involved with this work have signed up to the digital declaration. An essential part of this is the commitment to develop work in line with the GDS服务标准,将用户需求放在产品设计的首位和中心. 那些签约的公司还承诺重用现有的用户研究, 服务设计, common components and data and technology standards before starting to design or procure something new. 

数码基金是由升学部设立的, Housing and Communities helps authorities carry out projects that address local service challenges in reusable ways. 通过基金, 6 partner councils have been part of the journey in creating this open source, 可访问的, 可重用和可扩展的在线维修服务. 


我们知道,致力于一项新的在线服务可能是一个很大的变化, to help you think about whether you need an online housing repairs service here’s a few common challenges we came across.


在与居民交谈后, being forced to log in was a common frustration to using their council’s online services often leading them to ring directly. 

Does your customer service team spend a lot of time dealing with calls for repairs??

For each of the 6 councils that contributed to the repairs online project, the main challenge they all shared in common was tenants ringing contact centres to book or chase a repair.

Do you offer an online service that’s 可访问的, including using plain words?

Products currently available for tenants to book a repair online are designed around the needs of the service, 而不是用户. Existing services often use ‘council language’ and are not designed to meet accessibility standards that everyone can understand. 

If you have an online repair service, can tenants leave with an appointment date and time?

Services currently offered online by our partner councils didn’t complete the user journey, resulting in a call back to book a repair for every online request. This resulted in residents needing a call back to book a repair for every single online request. 


报名参加我们即将举行的活动, 如何打造以住房需求为核心的数字化服务. 你可以通过Zoom免费参加.

时间: 中午12点到下午1点

