

我们问我们的学员 & Mentors for their reflections on this experience – from why they chose to join, 他们拿走的东西.

100% of respondents said they would recommend getting involved with MentorHER to a friend or colleague 🎉

我们的导师 & 学员们是这样评价MentorHer的:

的指导 极大地丰富了我的个人和职业成长 通过提供有价值的指导, 营造支持性的环境, and offering insights that have helped me navigate challenges with greater confidence. The mentorship relationship has not only expanded my skill set but has also played a pivotal role in shaping my perspective, 鼓励自我反省, 并最终为我的整体成功和成就做出贡献 .——Bekki Walker, IMS的人力资源协调员

“作为一名年轻女性,在科技领域受到指导 比如有一个聪明的朋友帮我解开科技迷宫, 增强我的信心, 并分享所有的技巧 从主题书籍推荐到应对职场挑战. It’s like having a behind-the-scenes pass to the tech world, making it l不那么令人生畏,更多的是令人兴奋的冒险.——埃琳娜·马丁

十大正规博彩网站评级ing the mentorship program was a key step in growing professionally, 帮助我找到我真正想要的和目标. 和我的导师建立起牢固的关系 非常宝贵的如: 提高了我的技能和信心. I signed up for this program to push my career forward and was inspired by its focus on women. 这整个经历 明确了我的职业目标和梦想, motivating me to go after them’ – Mariya Podosinova, Full-stack Developer, Accenture

“我非常喜欢成为MentorHER的导师,我会的 强烈推荐给其他人. I was able to build a very collaborative relationship with my mentee, 积极倾听她的经历并给予指导, 每次会议的建设性反馈和目标. The mentoring process was mutually beneficial in not only hopefully developing my mentee’s skills but also my own interpersonal and communication skills. Guiding my mentee through current challenges using my past experiences was 令人难以置信的充实 and I hope that it will be a stepping stone to her achieving her goals.——Nadia Belkacemi, DAC Beachcroft LLP律师

‘In tech we talk a lot about scaling both in terms of product development and the business, 一切都是全球最大的博彩平台增长, 扩张, 以及它带来的需求.  当组织规模扩大时, it’s key to have the right people and skills and this is where mentoring can add real value in terms of helping mentees see where and how they can go to next.  I joined Manchester Digital’s MentorHER programme as I thought my experience, 和经验, 对别人有用吗, 我觉得是时候“回馈”了. What I didn’t expect was the positive impact on me – a brilliant two-way process.’ – Elaine Mullan, Head of Marketing and Business Development, Corlytics

‘Having previously benefited from being a mentee, I was excited to step into the role of a mentor. It was a great opportunity to connect and exchange experiences with someone in the same industry as well as answering unexpected and thoughtful questions, 哪一个 开阔了我的视野,增强了我的信心.——高级自动化测试工程师Emma Millar

‘I joined the mentoring programme as I thought it was a good opportunity to learn the skills and techniques it takes to become a great mentor. I had never mentored anybody before and having just moved into a leadership role 哪一个 includes managing a team of people, I thought I could use the skills and experience from this programme to help develop people in my own team, 以及和我一起参加这个项目的人. I’ve had some great mentors in my career that have had a huge impact on my development, so now 我想为其他刚开始职业生涯的人做同样的事情.——Jenna Gregory,高级客户互动经理,汽车交易商

‘I joined a mentoring programme as I feel it is important for more women to work in tech. I’ve worked in software engineering for 10 years now and have not worked with many women. It would be great to see that change and I want to offer what I can to help. If anything I have learnt over my career can help and encourage other women then I’m glad to be able to share it.——艾玛·维多利亚·史密斯

‘Working in any industry where you are a minority can be a difficult environment. I think one of the most important lessons we can learn is these difficulties have nothing to do with your skill at your day job.   We all need to listen to each other to create spaces where we can feel understood. 成为一名导师让我觉得自己是解决方案的一部分.

经常, 女性在行业中面临的挑战的背景化, 有必要看到更大的图景, 只能来自其他女人吗. Mentoring of women by women gives critical perspective of experiences to both parties. It lets the mentee see it is not just them, 哪一个 can be empowering, and it allows the mentor to derive value from their own experience by sharing it with others so that they can learn from it.——萨拉·卡斯韦尔-鲍默




MentorHER Cohort One was co-led by 数字她’s Kirsten Peters Roebuck and Auto Trader’s Heather Leonard. They loved working with this inspiring group of women and had a lot of fun in the process!

由Auto Trader UK赞助

数字她 is extremely grateful to Auto Trader UK for their sponsorship of MentorHER 哪一个 allowed this programme to happen, and for their practical contributions to the creation of the programme. 谢谢你!!



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