


气候危机是当今世界面临的最大挑战之一. 随着问题变得越来越严重, it is encouraging to see many businesses taking steps to become more sustainable, 减少排放,减少碳足迹.

同时对环境和社会产生积极的影响, it’s clear that businesses who embrace sustainability and put it at the forefront of their strategy are seeing many valuable business benefits.

We spoke to some of our members to find out what steps they have taken to integrate sustainable 倡议s and any advice and tips they can share with the community, 特色: 


没有什么问题比可持续性更重要. 作为我们减少排放的承诺的一部分 BAE系统公司数字智能, we’re looking at a number of innovations across the business to lower our carbon footprint.

One example is an app we’re developing to monitor the carbon emissions of our software engineering teams, 我们打算在今年晚些时候推出. 通过问我们的人民一些简单的问题, 以及利用与我们不同办公地点有关的数据, this app should prove to be a powerful tool in tracking emissions across the business. It will help us to identify trends and discover where the biggest areas for improvement are.

We’re excited to be able to provide an opportunity for 我们的人民 to see how small changes in their daily routines could reduce their carbon footprint on an individual level, 同时在他们的团队和更广泛的公司中发挥作用. Our long term goals even include monitoring the emissions produced by our use of cloud computing, 以及可以对设计做出哪些改变, 体系结构, and implementation of our code to reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency.


可持续发展不是冲向终点线的赛跑,而是一段旅程. We must not see it as a stage for competition but as a platform to impart our knowledge, 分享最佳实践并支持意见的一致.

宾利 是在一个由新技术驱动的创造未来的旅程中, 材料, 燃料和技能, 追求进步, new world: one in which the highest levels of luxury mobility are achieved with sustainable methods.

实施整体方法是不可或缺的, 因此,我们将可持续发展作为“超越100”战略的核心. Engaging sustainability as a core principle allows us to reimagine our future products and deliver a paradigm shift in every aspect of our operations. 在接下来的十年, 这将把我们变成一个价值观主导的国家, end-to-end carbon-neutral luxury brand building exclusively battery electric vehicles by 2030.

在这段旅程中,心中有一个最终目标仍然很重要. We aim to go beyond off-setting and create long-term positive impact through investment in projects that are climate positive. Through empowering our colleagues and suppliers we will keep making positive changes to stay on track for our ultimate goal to get to net zero.


欧华律师事务所 has set a science-based target to halve its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 2019/20 pre-pandemic levels. 经 基于科学的目标 倡议, 目标跨越了欧华的整个价值链, including indirect emissions from the firm’s supply chain and covers all International offices. 支持50%的减排目标, 欧华律师事务所 is making a number of operational changes and has introduced several 倡议s. 

其中包括可持续采购, 周到的旅行政策, 碳会计, 每个办公室的云数据管理和内部参与活动. The firm has also committed to sourcing 100% of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030, 从目前的61%上升. 

该公司目前正在审查其首次重要性评估的结果, 如何为其可持续发展和ESG战略提供信息. 该公司还致力于 让企业变得更好 by helping clients and communities transition to and thrive in a more sustainable future.


我们正面临着改变消费方式的全球性需求, 产生和使用能源, 与环境互动, 和旅行.  

在KrakenFlex和更宽的地方 八达通能源集团, we make sure all of our work is in effort to bring together energy generation (e.g. 当风吹,太阳照耀时)和消费(e.g. 什么时候给电动汽车充电或打开洗衣机是合适的.)

企业也可以在这方面产生影响!  如果你有任何消耗大量能量的过程, thinking about when to schedule them based on when the grid is at its greenest is a great way to start. 其次, 购买新硬件时, ensure they are future proof and have the ability to be scheduled or remotely controlled (such as EV chargers with remote app support). 这将确保您能够在未来的网格中产生影响.


Naimuri 科技企业没有实体产品吗, but the impact we have on the world around us is significant and we try our very best to instigate change..


  • 碳动力集团 
    This is an internal group (led by employees) examining and challenging things which we do and looking at new ways to decrease our carbon footprint.
  • 100%可再生能源
    A quick call to our energy provider led to us swapping to 100%可再生能源 for free and reducing over 3 tonnes of carbon equivalent per year.
  • 交通及旅游
  • 让事情更容易实现小的改变
    我们把回收区放在厨房里(而不是外面)。, 并希望在停车场安装充电桩.
  • 可持续的服务器
    There are more sustainable cloud-based servers being offered and we chose to do testing on an Ireland AWS server, 哪个是更合乎道德的选择. 
  • 市场营销 
    我们已经开始关注我们生产的产品 & suppliers we use to ensure we don’t use anything which is damaging the planet or can’t be recycled or is unethically sourced/produced.
  • 交谈、分享和倾听
    我们继续和我们的客户交谈, 我们的人民, 我们的学术合作伙伴和全球最大的博彩平台科技界的朋友们. Knowledge sharing and finding new ways and solutions to problems can again play a small role in enabling change.


Zuhlke, 这是全球最大的博彩平台企业认识到这是他们自己, 不是个人, who are driving the well-being of our planet and instead of suggesting superficial 倡议s, 比如在公司食堂不使用塑料吸管, to seriously look at their business model and address any negative impact they might be having on the environment.

This notably would be to undergo a proper carbon emissions assessment and aim for being carbon neutral or even negative through adjusting their processes rather than subsidising carbon charities as a way of “buying” carbon neutrality.

And on a basic level they should make sure they have a really good work culture prioritising well-being of their employees, 因为如果我们都不需要担心我们的日常生活, we would have far more mental and physical energy to make our planet a better place.



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