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Manchester Digital to run second peer network programme

2020 was a year like no other. Many businesses were impacted in ways they couldn’t have foreseen, from those losing business overnight and pivoting their offer to those that saw an overnight increase in workloads due to change in customer behaviour and demand for their product. 

And whilst business owners and leaders have continued to adapt and face these challenges head on, we have consistently heard that the loss of connection to a wider community has made this event harder.

The lack of networking and business events, where business owners can meet up and discuss their challenges, share learnings and consider best practice with like minded individuals through open conversations, has been a huge loss to business leaders over the past 12 months.

With no face-to-face events to attend and a gradual increase in Zoom fatigue, business owners have told us that they have experienced a sense of isolation as they tackle the impact of the pandemic and what business looks like on the other side.

The Peer Networks look to tackle this exact issue, bringing together 11 different business owners and leaders to create a peer support group. With a total of 6 sessions across 12 weeks, the facilitated sessions will provide a space for each business owner or leader to share their individual problems to be discussed and tackled as a group.

Our previous cohort, which ended in March, was a huge success with one cohort member shared with us, “These sessions helped me to get to the heart of the issue very quickly, I left the session with clear ideas which i’ve already started implementing”. Another cohort member reported, “Although I went to share my business issues, I think I learnt more from hearing and discussing issues from other businesses - it gave me a different perspective, and other areas for improvement, that I’d not thought of before.”

The Peer Networks are fully funded, so completely free to attend. The only requirements to attend are that you’ve been in business 1+ year, have 5 or more employees, and your turnover is over £100k. 

Our next cohort starts on Tuesday 25th May, click here to register to take part, or find out more about the groups

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