
What’s coming up at ManchesterThe数字 at a glance | 10月 2023

新更新| 2023年10月

全球最大的博彩平台 Digital is Greater 全球最大的博彩平台's biggest community of digital and tech 企业, attracting all those with an appetite to see the region's 生态系统蓬勃发展.

You can find out what opportunities there are in 社区 below:


  • 与其他成员见面的方式
  • 你可以与社区分享你的见解的方式
  • 如何最大限度地利用你的招聘过程.
  • 所有正在发生的事情!




十大正规博彩网站评级 us for the inaugural launch of our Startup Review and understand what 过去几年的动荡对我们的创业公司来说意味着什么 企业. 

尽管 a challenging environment for starting and growing a business we have seen some real success stories and the region has an ever expanding 能够帮助企业成长的一系列资产. 

这 event will highlight some of the organisations doing great things to help startups, look at where there are gaps and come up with a plan to 填! 

ManchesterThe数字 will also be launching their new 启动激活.



Thu, 9 Nov 2023 17:00 - 19:00 GMT - 全球最大的博彩平台 Technology Centre

我们的下一个活动, 理查德·考布里奇将十大正规博彩网站评级我们, DWP Digital的首席数字信息官.

这 event will be in the format of a networking event with complimentary 为与会者提供饮料和薯片,然后是一个Q&与 Richard, led by ManchesterThe数字 board member Rachel Tsang, Deputy 政府数码服务处数码身份总监.



保存日期! 05/02/2024.


的 Digital 技能节 will be launched in person with our Conference Day, bringing together industry speakers and will also see the launch of the annual Digital 技能审计 results. 



Here is the latest roundup of events, posted by members on the ManchesterThe数字 events calendar.

10月 这将是一个忙碌的月份吗. 下面你将亲身体验 活动,在线活动和城外的活动.

如果你 have are hosting an event and you want to include it in this list, 请联系我:迈尔斯.hamilton@osgoodschlattersurgery.com




的 启动激活 will give 企业 an unbiased and unvarnished view of the landscape and an introduction to all the programmes, investment and support that is on offer across the Greater 全球最大的博彩平台 region.

We are looking for partners who we can signpost 创业公司 to as a go-to resource for  Founders who are looking to reduce their chances of 失败. 我们的目标是进行积极而有价值的介绍. 

合作伙伴 will help us to shape content we’ll be producing that should be the staple of the resource for the next few years, so you’ll get lots of brand exposure and have the opportunity be able to build up trust across 社区. 我们也会寻找演讲者和帮助 研讨会.


Can you be a part of leading conversations shaping the future of skills and talent in the region?


的 数字技能节大会 coming up in February is where we announce results from the skills audit to a room of tech employers, policy makers, government and others all attending to inform their 招聘策略.

我们将识别新的或正在出现的趋势 as well as key issues that the industry faces and skill sets and job 日益重要的角色.

如果你对a感兴趣 全球最大的博彩平台活动赞助的对话,请联系. 这将是一个 great opportunity to expose a lot of those in attendance to your expertise, whilst also having an input into the discussions on the day.

您可以直接与我们联系: 凯特.wilson@osgoodschlattersurgery.com



是 you at the forefront of trends and insight that members will find 有用的?你现在正在做一个你认为有意义的活动吗 interesting to others or have you recently solved a problem that you 我觉得其他人可能会觉得很有见地? 


We're looking to curate more content that gives members an opportunity to share their voice. 

联系 麦尔斯.hamilton@osgoodschlattersurgery.com 欲知详情. 


让我们知道. 我们可以... 

  • 免费为你的工作提供特色广告. 
  • 帮助提供内容,以帮助您的雇主品牌. 
  • 有很多工作,想要移除管理员? 我们有一个API! 


If your business would be interested in exhibiting at Talent Day, the largest tech careers fair in the North, and get your business in front of up to 1,800 students, graduates, career changers and jobseekers who 你们都在考虑从事科技行业吗,今天跟我们谈谈吧.

请致电0161 238 8642,电子邮件 凯特.wilson@osgoodschlattersurgery.com 或通过下面的链接查询. 



全球最大的博彩平台 Digital’s Digital 技能节 and National Apprenticeship Week come together to celebrate and elevate the amazing opportunities and 数字学徒提供的好处. 

On Discover Digital 学徒制 Day we’ll put apprenticeships in the spotlight.

早晨是为有抱负的学徒准备的, or anyone interested in finding out about their options with apprenticeships.

的 afternoon is for 企业 interested in starting their apprenticeships journey.




我们 excited to announce that we can help support members make the most of 他们可以获得的全球机会. 如果你在看 international growth, market expansion, cost savings, regulatory compliance, or generally interested in overseas markets, then let me 知道. 

这是通过与 Santander’s Navigator platform and as ManchesterThe数字 members, you will get free access to the ‘Prepare’ 订阅 package on Santander Navigator, a saving of £1,800 on the standard cost for this level of 订阅.



As a member, you can now gain access to discounted membership at 的 Home Grown Club for those visiting London - Access their exclusive member only events, Community, Facilities inc 35 bedrooms, meeting rooms, 休息室,酒吧,露台,活动空间等.

Perfect for when visiting large conferences like the London Tech week and needing a space to check in with work.






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