
MD Voices: Unveiling the Insights and Wisdom of Project and Delivery Managers - A Journey of Experience, 建议, 和社区

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, we like to conduct interviews with our members to delve deeper into their areas of passion within the dynamic digital and technology landscape of Greater Manchester.  本周我们将采访到 Paper.

What initially motivated you to start this interview series focused on delivery and project managers? 为什么你认为获得他们的观点是有价值的?

I really enjoy reading about people working in the delivery management and project management space. 我已经在这个领域工作了17年,喜欢向别人学习. I’d often search for articles, come across long-form posts and bookmark to read when I had 更多的时间. 我想要的是一些花几分钟就能读完的东西, 享受当下,并希望从中学习.

所以我想我应该试着自己创造和策划一些东西. 我写了一条信息,做了一个快速的可视化,然后发布在了LinkedIn上.

“所以我有了一个想法,我打算在接下来的几个月里尝试一下. I’d like to speak with people working in project and delivery careers at any stage of their career and from any industry. 我会问每个人同样的问题. 这些都是我想从别人身上学到的东西, 我想其他人可能也会感兴趣.”

我希望能有几个人回复, but the post really took off; notifications coming through every couple of minutes. 到目前为止,这是我发过的最受欢迎的帖子,有100多条评论. 似乎我击中了一个最佳点,人们似乎真的有兴趣参加.

My initial idea was to do interviews with everyone but with the number of people interested in taking part I changed it to a simple, 人们在自己的时间里完成的个人文档. 我让每个人选择在文章发表前打15分钟的电话, 所以说你好和谢谢. 这是完全可选的,但到目前为止每个人都接受了. Part of the idea was to meet new people in the industry and 39 short video calls to date has been a huge highlight.

There’s a complete list of published articles collated for easy consumption, it’s well worth a look.

在多次采访中,有没有什么关键的见解或主题浮现出来? 你能举个例子吗?

I’ve learnt loads from each article but there are two main things that stand out for me from the articles published to date and those being scheduled.

First is that people tend to land into the role of a delivery manager or project manager; it’s not a job that anyone dreams of from a young age. 人们, 导航, 漂移, land or drop into the role from recognition that they have some skills or traits that suit the role.

这对我来说当然也是如此. In early 2007 I was working for an elearning company and my then line manager mentioned an 开放ing for a project manager role and suggested I apply for it. 他看到我很有条理,冷静,善于与人相处,并能从容应对. 许多被出版的人的故事都反映了这一点.

Secondly is the overwhelming focus on people; team members, 用户, 客户, 利益相关者, 供应商. 很高兴看到这一点,这是对人根深蒂固的关注. 我喜欢这个. 我们交付和管理项目的行业很重要, 工具也是如此, 我们选择使用的技术和方法, but doing our best to make sure the wider team - whether they're involved for just a few minutes each week or every day - is really crucial.

I could have quoted something from every article but chose just one that summaries my thoughts beautifully.

“如果你能理解人们的需求, 想想是什么在影响他们, 你通常可以提供一些帮助. 我们所做的大多数复杂工作都涉及到人, so focus on skills that enable you to have constructive interactions and take actions that have a positive impact on the people around you.”

如果你能从这些采访中总结出社区应该知道的最大收获, 会是什么呢??

在写这篇文章的时候,有40篇文章可供阅读, 大概有3个小时的阅读材料.

现在人们的经验水平各不相同, 每个人都从大致相同的地方开始,然后开始做.

If any project or delivery manager reading this would like to contribute themselves to message me on LinkedIn.


Did anything challenge your assumptions or give you a different perspective on delivery or project management?

My assumptions haven’t been challenged, but I have learnt something from every single person. The whole experience has backed up what I thought and hoped; that there is a collection of kind, 开放, 友好的, 体贴的人做同样的工作, 他们愿意放弃自己的时间与他人分享文字和经验.

是的, 我们为不同的组织做这件事, 我们有些人有工作, 一些自由职业者, 有些人做生意, 但我们要做的事情大体上是一样的.

这是一段温暖人心的经历. 我很感激每一个为我写文章的人, 添加点赞, 评论或转发和那些刚刚阅读和享受的东西.

What advice resonated most across these interviews that you think could benefit delivery managers and project managers starting out in their careers?

I struggled with this given the volume of advice across the articles; it’s vast. So I asked for some help and copied all the responses to the question What advice would you give someone starting out in the industry? 并要求一个知名的在线机器人工具总结出最重要的5条建议. 我没有认出他的反应. 它听起来平淡无奇,当然不像我写的东西,所以我把它扔掉了.

I’ve pulled out five bits of advice that when I read for the first time they lodged in my head. I chose not to name the individuals as I don’t want to single out just a few from so much excellent advice that people have shared.

“Embrace the fact that your greatest strengths are what many people still refer to as ‘soft skills’. For a long time there's been a rhetoric around ‘soft skills’ that they’re in some way nice-to-have or secondary to much ‘harder’ technical expertise when, 在现实中, 不是每个人都擅长这些事情. 当我不再担心我没有一个更传统的专业, I felt much more confident in my place within teams and was able to be much better at my job.”

倾听并学习. 在一个拥有如此多专业知识和复杂性的领域中,成为新人是令人生畏的, 有时这会导致我们寻求确认作为一种保证. 然而, I think a lot of people who are just getting started end up falling into the trap of trying to apply theory without context. Most of the time the best way to serve a team is to observe and discover what they truly need rather than jumping in with a framework or a tool. 花时间成为一个值得信赖的顾问是真正成功的关键.“

“接受你遇到的大多数问题和挑战都是人的问题. 多多学习倾听. 学习同理心和不同的教练风格. Learn to accept that you will meet teams and organisations at different stages of their journey and you cannot simply tell them how to think. 要知道有很多方法可以使用敏捷,不要拘泥于一个框架. Learn to look after yourself mentally; it can be challenging to always care about other people and want to see them succeed.”

“与你的直接和更广泛的业务团队建立牢固的关系. 交付是全球最大的博彩平台协作的, 对想要实现的业务价值的可见性和清晰的理解. Don’t lose sight of that and get lost in the weeds - “focus on the first fence” is a piece of advice I was given. 把MVP/产品目标放在最前面和最中心. 从你周围的经验中学习, 很好奇, 提出问题,抓住机会,用双手成长.”

“You need to love people; understand what motivates and inspires them so you can support them to do their best work possible. 不过我得说你不需要这方面的资格证书, 高情商, 具有团队合作的适应力和积极倾听能力 & 利益相关者是关键. I’d also say you need to get comfortable with challenging people when it comes to decisions and unblocking impediments that impact your team and the delivery goal. 你需要有很强的适应能力,喜欢解决问题. 我建议找到有关项目方法论的阅读材料和资源, 交付管理或类似. Reach out to other delivery / project managers in the industry and use Linkedin as a networking tool.”


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