


全球五分之一的人有残疾,而97.8% of websites are inaccessible which makes accessing websites a problem. In 2023 It’s highly recommended to Include an accessibility statement as part of a business’s accessibility strategy.

可访问性声明到底是什么? 你需要包括哪些信息? How does an accessibility statement impact a business? We’ve written this to help guide you through the process…


An accessibility statement is a statement or document that outlines a company’s commitment to making its website, 产品, 以及为残疾人提供的服务.


Accessibility statements are important for several reasons. 首先, it is a legal requirement for businesses to make their website 以及为残疾人提供的服务 in many countries. This is because people with disabilities have the same right to access information and services as people without disabilities.

另外, creating an accessible website can greatly benefit businesses by expanding their customer base and increasing the reach of their 产品 and services. This is because people with disabilities make up a significant portion of the population and by making their websites and services accessible, businesses can attract and retain a larger customer base.


An accessibility statement is an important part of any accessibility strategy. Here are some elements that should be included in an accessibility statement:

  • A statement of the website or digital product’s compliance with accessibility standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) or the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) guidelines.
  • 任何已知可访问性问题的列表, 包括问题的原因, and the date when the issue is expected to be resolved.
  • Information on how to request accessibility-related assistance, including contact details for the person or team responsible for accessibility.
  • 全球最大的博彩平台如何报告可访问性问题的信息, including a contact email or web form for submitting feedback.
    Information on assistive technologies that are compatible with the website or digital product, 例如屏幕阅读器或键盘导航.
  • A statement on how accessibility is tested and validated, including the methods used and the frequency of testing.
  • A statement on how accessibility is maintained over time, including the processes in place for monitoring and updating the website or digital product.
  • 报表最后一次更新的日期.

It is important to note that the accessibility statement is not a one-time document and should be updated regularly as the website or digital product evolves, 可访问性问题也得到了解决.


Creating an accessible website can also be beneficial for businesses from a search engine optimization (SEO) perspective. This is because search engines like Google take accessibility into account when ranking websites in their search results. Websites that are more accessible are more likely to be ranked higher than those that are not, which can lead to more traffic and ultimately more revenue for the business.

Accessibility statements can also help businesses to identify areas of their website and services that may be difficult for people with disabilities to use. 通过识别这些问题, businesses can take steps to rectify them and make their website and services more accessible.


无障碍网页法例, 例如在线访问指令(OAD), 美国残疾人法案(ADA), 以及康复法案第508条, as well as the European Accessibility Act (EAA) in the European Union.

  • Businesses are required to make their websites and digital 产品 accessible to individuals with disabilities. 这可以包括在图像中添加替代文本, 为视频提供字幕, and designing user interfaces that can be easily navigated with keyboard commands or speech recognition software.
  • These changes can have a financial impact on businesses, as they may need to invest in redesigning or retrofitting their websites and digital 产品 to comply with the laws. 然而, 从长远来看, making websites and digital 产品 accessible can also increase the customer base, and lead to cost savings by avoiding lawsuits and penalties. 另外, accessibility can also improve employee productivity and morale.

总之, accessibility statements are important for businesses to make their website, 产品, 以及为残疾人提供的服务. This not only helps to comply with legal requirements but also expands the customer base, increases the reach of 产品 and services and improves SEO.

