
是时候抛弃Twitter了吗? Three alternative social media platforms for your B2B marketing strategy

作为世界上最富有的人之一, Elon Musk, completed his jaw-dropping $44 billion takeover of Twitter, it seems the platform has been at the forefront of news agendas worldwide for all the wrong reasons. Introducing a subscription-based system for the coveted blue tick verification and a significant layoff of the platform’s employees seems to be just the tip of the iceberg. 随着收购后事件的展开, 报告 揭示人们和广告商, 其中包括大众, 辉瑞和奥迪, alike are leaving the platform to avoid potential risk and damage.

作为核心社交媒体巨头之一, 还有Meta和LinkedIn, 对于许多B2B营销人员来说, if this is the beginning of the end for Twitter, are there other social media platforms that need to be considered to expand  marketing reach?

In this 博客 we will look at some of the other platforms that have rose to prominence in recent weeks and whether they need to become an addition to your marketing toolkit.


Since its initial release in 2015, 不和 has grown in popularity within the gaming community. The Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and instant messaging platform has experienced a recent surge in user registrations – boasting over 300 million registered accounts. Although its origins and primary popularity is amongst gamers, 今天, 不和 has ample potential for B2B marketers. Organisations and brands can create groups – or ‘servers’ to use the official jargon – allowing you to connect with a like-minded audience. The benefit of this is that brands and their marketing teams can learn more about their audience and what they actually want, alongside engaging with users on interesting topics. Although 不和 is not a suitable platform for increasing  reach and exposure, if its increased conversations and interactions you’re looking to curate and enhance, the platform is a suitable tool for your marketing roster. 


分散的, open-source social platform 乳齿象 has been around since 2016 but as the Twitter exodus accelerates, the platform has been touted as a viable alternative. It’s reflected in the stats too as since the end of October, 该平台已经获得了近500的收益,000新用户, 用户总数翻倍. 在视觉上, 乳齿象 resembles Twitter in the way users can post content (or ‘Toots’) and its structure reflects that of Reddit in the way users join servers based on their interests or geographical locations. The upsurge in users might be appealing for brands to jump ship from Twitter but, B2B营销人员和广告商, there are limitations to using 乳齿象 for your marketing strategy. 例如, the platform does not allow paid advertising due to the fact it is set up as a decentralised network for users to develop their own custom servers and the issue this presents is that brands and marketers have no capability to develop and deploy paid content. Time will tell if 乳齿象 will become a viable alternative to Twitter.


Albeit not necessarily an emerging social platform by any stretch of the imagination, but it’s impossible to deny the staggering reach and potential of the short-form video sharing platform. Each month, 80 million people spend an average of 24小时 在站台上, 有这么多观众, B2B marketers who may have been sat on the fence previously might now be seriously considering adopting the platform for their clients. 之前,我们共享了a 博客 outlining whether B2B marketers were missing a trick when it comes to TikTok, and with the platform showing no signs of slowing its growth as Twitter seemingly continues to lose users, now might be the time to embrace TikTok into your marketing strategy.

With Musk’s takeover of Twitter still in its infancy, it’s hard to say if B2B marketers will turn away from Twitter in favour of other platforms, 但如果他们这么做了, there are alternatives that have the potential to be fruitful. We will be watching this space over the coming months to find out if Twitter is going the way of MySpace and fizzling out of existence, 或者它是否会反抗.

If you’re looking for support with your B2B social media strategy, 保持联系 今天和我们在一起! 

