

十大正规博彩网站评级我们最新一期的MD文化俱乐部的是全球软件咨询公司 Thoughtworks.



Can you tell us a little bit about the company, before describing the culture at the organisation?                        

Thoughtworks是一家全球领先的集成战略技术咨询公司, design and software engineering to enable enterprises and technology disruptors across the globe to thrive as modern digital businesses. 

我们的文化在过去的28年里不断发展, with changes in ownership and going public; through this, 公司宗旨, 内部称为思想工场的“为什么”保持不变, Thoughtworks exists to create an extraordinary impact on the world through our culture and technology excellence. We live our core values; inclusivity, integrity and the pursuit of excellence. We believe in fostering a vibrant community of diverse and passionate technologists while amplifying positive social change and advocating for an equitable future and being an awesome partner for our clients and their ambitious missions.

虽然科技是我们所有人的共同之处, 我们相信,无论你是谁,无论你的身份, 你值得尊重, 同理心和平等的成功机会. We work hard to make sure everyone at Thoughtworks - and everyone we work with - is treated this way. We believe that everyone deserves to bring their authentic self to work and that the best solutions to complex problems come from diverse mindsets and experiences.

How have you gone about maintaining company culture since the move to remote working and what do you think will be the lasting impact of the pandemic with regards to your culture? 

在大流行开始时,我们能够迅速转向远程工作. 我们已经有了能够让我们进行虚拟协作的工具. 最大的挑战是如何在远程环境中保持联系. 我们找到了用一周时间建立远程联系的方法, 做一些虚拟的健康活动,比如正念水彩画, 大笑瑜伽, 龚浴, 素食烘焙,心态和运动课程.

每天都是这样, we had a strong focus on wellbeing and mental health during remote working; account check-ins, 调查部门和领导层在“办公时间”里安排了员工可以进来聊天的时间. 随着办公室重新开业, 我们正在寻找一种混合工作模式, 员工到办公室合作,但在家独立工作. 


人才是专业服务行业的关键. We have a strong brand recognised in the tech industry; we continue to build on this brand with our campaigns that align closely with our culture. 我们最近审查了我们的福利,导致了一些改进, 包括提高产假工资, 抽出时间接受生育治疗,更好地获得心理健康资源. We recently revisited our compensation and total rewards to ensure we are competitive in the marketplace.  

我们将继续推动多元化、公平和包容(DE)&我)的努力. Our first women and under-represented minorities (UGM) development programme was also launched last year. We’ve conducted ‘stay’ interviews to better understand how we support and retain our employees in a rapidly changing world of work and a competitive talent market.


我们正处在持续增长的过程中. We have recently opened operations in Newcastle to complement our teams in Manchester and London. 我们一直在不断改善我们的员工体验, 着眼于在市场上保持竞争力. We pride ourselves on our focus on learning and development and will continue to invest in our employees' capabilities to align with our business focus on data, DevOps, 产品和数字化转型.



我是Thoughtworks的业务分析师(BA). BAs help to take a client’s requirements and visualise them to make sure that everyone on the team understands what the project is, 这样顾客就能收到约定的东西. 这通常是通过发现和启动来完成的. 在发展阶段, we then take the requirements and build out the user journey and project details into stories that development pairs can work on. 通过这个过程, 我们需要仔细监控项目,以确保为最终用户增加价值. 这个角色还有很多精彩之处. 作为一名思想工作者,你可以参与的事情甚至更多, 这取决于你, each person’s role in the company as a whole is totally unique and goes beyond just your job description.


我是一个职业转换者,我在零售业工作了17年. I was keen for a change but I’m at an age where values are the most important aspect of a job to me. Switching careers and companies can be daunting and I spent 11 years at my last company so it’s hard to leave what you know. Finding a company that had strong social values and a healthy workplace was a priority for me, 其次, 是角色. A friend in Thoughtworks who had worked with me in the past reached out about applying to be a BA. 解决问题、人际互动和工作中的变化都很吸引人. It offered me all the parts of the job I enjoyed in my previous company coupled with a workplace that encourages employees to ask questions, 在自己的角色中成长,推动自己. 


我毕业后十大正规博彩网站评级了Thoughtworks大学(TWU). Being a career switcher and not knowing a great deal about the software development industry this was ideal. There were no expectations for me to understand everything and I was surrounded by a cohort of people from all different backgrounds who were also learning. I was guided by experienced Thoughtworks employees who encouraged and prepared me for being a BA. 那是一段忙碌的时光,我感到力不从心,但我从不感到孤独, 尽管我是唯一的文学士. 在这之后, 我并没有立即投入到一个项目中,这让我能够反思我在TWU的时光, 这是我当时没有看到的重要一步,但现在回想起来, 这个时期很重要. 当我作为唯一的BA十大正规博彩网站评级一个项目时,我仍然不觉得孤单, 我在TWU经历的支持和鼓励仍然存在,从我周围的人. 这会给你很大的信心,并真正帮助你在角色中成长. I’m now on my third account and I’m still learning but being out of my comfort zone is easier knowing I have the support of fellow Thoughtworkers.

Ele Cooper,商业分析师


我目前的工作是商业分析师,  在专业服务领域, 为公共部门的大客户工作. My team is made up of around 11 people and my role on the team is to work in both the product/business space helping to shape the future of the project. Also in the technology space, working with the developers on the day-to-day delivery of the stories. 我做商业分析师已经两年了, 以下是ThoughtWorks大学, as prior to this I had been working as the office and community manager for Thoughtworks Manchester for three years. 

你已经在这家公司工作好几年了, 你能告诉我是什么原因让你在这家公司呆了这么久吗?

I have stayed at Thoughtworks because of the autonomy given to staff that is intrinsic to the culture here - I love being empowered to make my own choices and work with others to find the best solution. 另外,我留下来是因为在我的职业发展中给我提供了机会. 我作为全球最大的博彩平台办事处的办公室和社区经理十大正规博彩网站评级了我们. 在这个角色中承担了许多有趣和令人兴奋的项目之后, I decided that I'd like to train as a BA and Thoughtworks supported and encouraged me in this venture. 也有机会与Thoughtworks一起去其他国家旅行和工作, 通过长期任务, being able to move abroad with work is the main reason I retrained as a BA and I am looking forward to living overseas. 


我想说Thoughtworks拥有强大的文化, 和许多优秀有趣的人一起工作,一起学习. 有职业发展和晋升的机会,也有出差的机会. You will feel heard and respected and if your needs and wants align with Thoughtworks then go for it. 

要了解更多全球最大的博彩平台Thoughtworks的信息, 点击这里.

If you’re a member and would like to take part in a future edition of our Culture Club series, 请联系 thom@osgoodschlattersurgery.com.



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