

The AGM is not only an opportunity for the organisation to show case itself but is also where key decisions are democratically made. Ensuring you have as much member representation as possible in your general meetings will help the organisation deliver what members would like to see. Hybrid AGMs provide several benefits to increase engagement with members/shareholders. 文章允许, organisations can take full advantage of these benefits and more for their meetings.


Many organisations and membership bodies have a geographically dispersed membership or shareholders; an in-person only AGM held in a physical location may be a barrier, meaning all stakeholders may not be able to travel to the venue to join the meeting due to travel time or expenses. A Hybrid AGM allows attendance of those geographically dispersed members, 这意味着他们可以亲自参加会议. The only option previously available to them may have been to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on their behalf. In most cases the Chair of the meeting is instructed as the proxy especially if the member or shareholder doesn’t know of another member to act on their behalf.

随着年度股东大会出席人数的增加, you have better representation of your membership base or shareholders, and some could argue this is good governance and best practice; plus, 所有其他相关的好处.

Using a platform that enables chat and Question and Answer sessions at the AGM could include topics that were once not voiced and therefore steer the thinking of the organisation moving forward, prompting a stronger connection with those running the organisation and the key stakeholders.


允许会员和股东以虚拟方式参加股东大会, means that travel expenses are reduced for not only those who are based further afield, but also those who may usually attend in-person but decide to attend the AGM online. This also brings the bonus of reduced carbon footprint associated with travel.

Venue hire or location costs can be off-set if there are fewer attendees expected to attend the general meeting in person. Similarly, a hybrid AGM can assist where there are space limitations at the AGM venue.


Generating results for all resolutions is simple and tracking digital attendees at hybrid general meetings means that the chair can see which members attended and voted afterwards, 同时保证每张选票的安全. 任何混合平台, it should encompass a full audit trail of when any member/voter takes any action. 如果所有与会者都以数字方式投票, results can be obtained much quicker than the conventional show of hands voting method.

访问数字与会者行为, 使会后分析更容易, 包括获得对投资回报率(ROI)的看法. 哪一个, 预期会议费用会减少, 可以看到改善, 通过增强的可伸缩性和覆盖范围进一步支持.


引入混合型年度股东大会有其固有的成本, 并应考虑:

1. The secure voting method needed and if those in-person should be voting via the same method as those attending remotely.
2. Giving those attending in person the ability to see and hear those remotely, 尤其是当他们在问问题的时候.
3. Giving those attending remotely the ability to see and hear not only the Chair and any Panel members, 还有在场的人提出的问题.

For points 1 and 2 above you will need the services of an independent scrutineer that can provide managed online voting services that preferably integrates with Zoom (or equivalent), 将代理投票考虑在内, shows real-time results and is simple/easy for the remote attendee to use on any web browser enabled internet connected device.

For point 3 above then an Audio/Visual (AV) company should be able to undertake this for you, but it is likely you may already us an AV company to record your AGM and place on your website a copy for those that couldn’t attend or wanted to review the meeting later. 因此,这些服务的成本可能不会增加太多.


The various roadblocks during in-person AGMs such as space limitations, 地理限制, 差旅费都可以通过混合式年度股东大会解决. However, resulting in increased attendance, better participation, and amplified engagements.

The benefit of greater engagement can be seen using a Hybrid AGM approach for those members that would never normally attend a physical meeting. If organisations already record their AGM using an Audio/Visual company, then there is not much extra cost to make the meeting fully interactive and including those remote members or shareholders.


英国与 offer simple and comprehensive solutions to the challenges of running complex meetings with remote and in person attendees, 包括安全的年度股东大会投票, 代理投票, AV服务, 管理审查和完全集成的交互式会议系统.  全球最大的博彩平台 打电话0161 209 4808来讨论您的需求.



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