
Keeping your employees consistently motivated is a massive undertaking for any manager or business owner. 但一个有动力的团队是一个富有成效的团队, so keeping your staff happy is well worth the time and effort.

We have compiled a rundown of the most effective ways to keep motivation and morale high among your employees…


If you want to ensure that your employees stay motivated, 微观管理应该是要避免的第一件事. Micromanaging your employees creates the impression that you don’t trust them. If they don’t feel trusted, nor will they feel valued or motivated.

Micromanagement will also cause your employees to feel like you are constantly looking over their shoulder. 随着时间的推移, 这就造成了一个充满偏执和怨恨的团队, 缺乏自信和生产力.

Allow your employees to have autonomy and run with their ideas, even if you have a clear idea of how you would do it yourself. 最好是给他们责任和所有权, 然后用建设性的批评来反馈, 而不是不给他们这些成长的机会.

作为一名经理,你可能会变得狭隘, and often your employees can surprise you with new ways of working that you had not thought about. If there is only ever one brain running the entire operation, your business can never surprise itself or its consumers.


Reward schemes should be an integral part of any organisation looking to keep its staff motivated. 但它们不必是可预测的.

Create games and challenges that match the personal dynamics of your team. You should get to know each of your employees as individuals, 并真正理解是什么让它们发挥作用. From here, you can encourage productivity in fun ways that truly motivate them.

例如, if you know that your workforce is full of competitive personalities, devise a leader board and have a weekly or monthly winner. 如果你是一个视觉思考者团队, 创造乐趣, 用视觉方式庆祝工作场所的成就.

给予真实也很重要, significant recognition to those who are consistently achieving and working hard. 他们需要知道他们的努力是有意义的.


A sure-fire way to motivate your staff is to take an active interest in their individual goals and aspirations. Find out what their dreams and ambitions are and look for ways to incorporate these into their working routines.

You will get the best work out of your employees if they truly enjoy what they are doing. Show that you want to help them realise their personal aspirations and create real opportunities for them to demonstrate and grow their talents.

你还应该为自己的发展设定一条清晰的道路. 动机是为了某件事而努力. The best way to ensure that your employees to stay motivated is to demonstrate to them that there are clear milestones to reach, 还有实实在在的进步.


A workforce lacking in energy is a one-way ticket to stifled motivation. As a manager, it is your job to inject some passion and enthusiasm into the job. If you aren’t seen to care about the business, then why should they?

Celebrate breakthroughs and stress the importance of learning from failures. Whatever you do, never allow low morale to spread throughout the team.


The very best and most motivated teams function like a family. 为了创造这种文化, you will want to put in some quality time with your employees outside of the nine to five.

Not only will social events help you and your employees let off steam, it also creates unique opportunities for frank and open discussions, 远离办公室的礼节. 经常, these interactions can lead to better overall communication and increased confidence across your workforce.


A happy team is a competent team, and being amiable as a manager is important. 然而, you should remind your workforce that there are important quality and service standards to adhere to.

This is an important aspect of motivating your staff as it creates mutual respect, 驱使他们成功, 也不鼓励自满.


It is important to look after the individual needs of your employees if you are to keep them motivated. But you are only one person, and you do not want to spread yourself too thin.

This is where introducing an extra resource can be a great thing. Bringing mentoring into the workplace demonstrates to your staff that you are taking an active interest in keeping their spirits high and helping them work to their full potential.

Wiseup can make a selection of it's quality mentors available for your staff. This can be to support specific joiner, mover or leaver processes. Or for any individual who would benefit from focused mentoring. 全球最大的博彩平台:info@wiseupnetworks.com to explore implementing a mentoring culture in your business.

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