

信息超载会导致倦怠, 抑郁症, 员工的生产力和创造力下降. It's therefore important for companies to prevent and reduce information overload as much as possible. 然而,说起来容易做起来难. 本文中的技巧将帮助您解决这个问题.


多亏了信息, we can communicate quickly and extensively – and therefore be aware of what's happening within the company and in the world around us. If we receive too much information, the line between what's valuable and what's irrelevant fades. 这样一来,跟上和过滤信息就变得越来越困难了. 这可能导致信息过载.


We can define information overload as: the amount of information that people are exposed to is greater than their mental capacity to process that information. 这是一个常见的问题,但原因是什么呢?


信息超载的主要原因是显而易见的. 如今,大量的信息抛向我们. 网站, 新闻媒体, 内部网, 电子邮件, 消息, 视频, 社交媒体帖子:我们几乎总是被它们轰炸. With the rapid development of AI, we are getting even more information that we can find even faster.

除了海量的信息, many (but not all) psychologists and philosophers point to the lack of boredom as a cause of information overload. 无聊是, 据他们说, 非常实用:让所有的东西都消化一段时间实际上是很好的.


信息超载会导致严重的精神症状. 在短期内, 它会引起一种不愉快的感觉, 有上瘾的效果, and leads to saturation: employees feel that they are no longer affected by information. Long-term information overload increases the risk of overstrain, burnout, and 抑郁症. It also often causes physical symptoms, such as fatigue, insomnia, headaches, and muscle tension.


Information overload is therefore a danger to the productivity and well-being of your employees. People who are distracted by information that is not relevant to their work cannot spend time on useful activities. 特别是无数的通知是一个问题. 在被打断后,回到实际工作中需要花费大量的时间和精力. 除了, uninterrupted - or notification-free - periods are necessary for performing challenging tasks properly.

There is also a connection between information overload and a decrease in creativity. 一种可能的解释是,如果你的大脑被信息淹没了, 你的头脑中没有足够的空间容纳新的见解. 此外, employees who suffer from information overload often experience a decrease in motivation.


The following tips will help your company prevent - or at least minimise - information overload among employees.

1 .让问题变得可以讨论

At many companies, the idea prevails that the more information we share with each other, the better. However, this can have the opposite effect if employees suffer from information overload. That's why it's important to address the problem of information stress and raise awareness among employees. Encourage employees to express their concerns about information stress and take their worries and suggestions seriously.

2 .提供教育和培训

Many employees are aware of information stress, but do not relate it (or not enough) to their work. 因此,提供有关信息压力主题的教育和培训. 在训练, 你可以鼓励员工准确地沟通, 清晰而相关, 同时也指出了“回复所有人”等信息压力因素的影响。. 您还可以更新员工的信息管理:他们如何处理, 组织, 尽可能高效地对信息进行优先排序? 考虑使用过滤器和标签来控制传入的通信流.

3 .创建协议、策略和(团队)协议

协议、策略和(团队)协议可以帮助最小化信息过载. 例如:

  • 约定下午6点以后不再联系.m. 除非绝对必要.
  • 减少会议次数并尽可能缩短会议时间的政策.
  • Protocols that determine which information should be shared, when, and in what way.

4 .优先处理任务、项目和沟通

建立明确的优先级是很重要的. Create a well-thought-out information hierarchy by prioritising tasks, projects, and communication. This way, employees can focus on what really matters and avoid processing irrelevant information.

5 .使用正确的(数字)工具

正确的(数字)工具可以帮助员工更好地管理和组织信息. 协作和项目管理工具, 例如, 能帮助员工管理他们的任务吗, 最后期限, 更有效的沟通. 当信息通过这些类型的工具集中时, 员工不再需要浏览多个信息源.

6 .向员工传授生产力管理的最佳实践

Employees can reduce their mental load through best practices in productivity management. 例如:

  • Taking sufficient breaks: at least a 15-minute break every two to three hours of work.
  • Prioritising tasks: employees should identify and complete the most important tasks before moving on to less important ones.
  • 制定日程:每天, 每周, 每月的时间表可以帮助员工和团队更好地管理他们的时间.
  • 设定目标:可衡量的, 可实现的, and relevant goals are the basis for focusing on what is important and measuring progress.
  • Reducing distractions: identify the most common distractions for employees and take measures to reduce them. 例如,鼓励员工关闭智能手机和电子邮件通知.
  • Other tips include encouraging employees to save all tasks that take less than two minutes to complete and do them in succession, 一个接一个地处理类似的任务, 并立即停止多任务处理.


注意力管理是一种时间管理,但它关注的是注意力. If employees are better able to manage their attention, they can choose where and when to focus.

这方面的技巧与生产力管理方面的技巧有很大的重叠. 注意力管理的关键思想包括将任务分成更小的部分, 为集中精力的工作留出时间, 专注于正念, 保证充足的睡眠.


There is increasing awareness of the benefits of a healthy work-life balance – not only for employees, 对雇主来说也是如此. A good balance reduces the risk of information overload by increasing mental capacity. 作为一个组织, you can encourage your employees to fully disconnect from work during non-work hours and ensure that overtime is limited to what is strictly necessary.


数字化工作场所是对抗信息超载的重要工具. A digital workplace prevents unnecessary mental strain by allowing employees to have all the applications, 文档, 他们工作所需的信息都集中在一个地方. 在同样的环境下, 他们管理重要的任务和通知, 使用全局搜索功能,一切都很容易找到.

使用Workspace 365, 例如, employees have access to Micro Apps to perform specific tasks from the digital workplace and an Activity Feed that brings together information from different applications in one environment.


真正的现代数字化工作场所是适应性的. This means that the workplace automatically adapts to the user's needs and preferences and always displays the most relevant information. 例如, 显示最常用的应用程序和信息, 个性化搜索结果, or functionalities such as always prompting the user to register their hours at the right time. 条件访问也很重要, 在哪里工作空间是根据某人的角色定制的, 位置, 设备, 和浏览器.


结果是, an adaptive digital workplace ensures that employees can quickly and stress-freely find applications, 文档, 还有信息——它不那么耗费脑力. By showing employees less irrelevant information and not having to look around in other environments so often, 他们还需要处理更少的信息,不容易分心.

And that translates not only into healthier and more enjoyable employees coming to work, 同时也提高了生产率,减少了缺勤. 这对雇员和雇主来说都是双赢.

