Backend Engineering at Zühlke

“The aim of a Backend Engineer is to enable end-users to get stuff done. We do the complex work to keep the user's task simple.这是z hlke的后端工程师拉吉夫·库里安(拉吉夫 Kurien)对自己工作的描述.

后端工程是在交付解决方案中起着至关重要作用的专业, but it’s not one people necessarily know much about. By their nature, backend engineers work behind the scenes for the most part. 但是他们的投入可以产生巨大的影响,因为他们帮助将团队中其他人的工作联系起来.

We spoke to three of our Backend Engineers to understand their work, and to get a few tips for people who potentially want to get into the role.

拉吉夫 Kurien, Software Engineer at Zühlke Ioana Grigoriu Nickson Thanda, Software Engineer at Zühlke


Backend Engineering in brief…

  • While frontend engineers build what users see, 后端工程师处理底层结构,使解决方案能够交付.
  • Backend engineers come to the role through a range of backgrounds. Most have a STEM qualification, 但许多人从其他专业中提升技能,然后跨界.
  • Like other software engineering roles, backend engineers need to be able to write code proficiently, using their creative thinking and problem solving abilities as they do. 他们还需要了解他们的软件在哪里以及如何运行——服务器, 容器, 云功能等.

What do backend engineers do?

Unlike frontend engineering, 哪个专注于将设计带入生活,创造一个人们可以看到并参与其中的界面, backend engineering is by its nature more opaque. It’s a software engineering role, 但它专注于构建支撑产品的结构,而不是用户每天与之交互的那一面.

“You don’t know what’s going on in the background when you press a button, 例如, but there’s always something there, and that’s what we work on,尼克森解释道.

Nickson举了一个登录网站的例子来说明这两个角色之间的区别. 当你登录的时候, 前端将你的用户名和密码发送到后端,后端验证详细信息,并告诉前端他们已经正确输入.”

拉吉夫, 另一方面, compares what they do to a building: "People only see the facade; they don't see that behind the walls are cables, 管道, vents and motors running to keep the building functional and comfortable,他解释道.


They also work with the product team to produce and validate ideas, 以及UI和UX设计师,他们致力于用户体验和用户最终参与的界面. 根据正在构建的内容的规模,他们也可能与数据团队合作, 如果它要部署在云中,那么他们也将与DevOps专家合作.

“我们必须克服的主要挑战是思考设计事物的最佳方式,尼克森说。. And this often centres on getting data from one place to another, and making sure it shows up in a way that is usable. Ioana也谈到了这一点,她强调了在整个过程中提出相关问题的重要性. “我需要确保重要的信息流向正确的方向,这样才能做出最好的决定,她说。.

What skills are important for backend engineers?

“You need really good problem-solving skills, and to be able to adapt quickly depending on what’s required,尼克森解释道. 他还指出,需要强有力的沟通,因为你经常处于不同的团队中间,你需要正确地理解他们的需求.

拉吉夫也对此表示赞同. “When you’re talking to colleagues or clients, you need to understand what they actually want, and then also explain how you’re going to do it,他说.

One of the skills that Ioana highlights is a detail-oriented approach. “有很多变化的部分,你必须考虑后果,权衡选择, 有时候你不得不在你想做的事情上妥协,因为最终现实生活中会有时间上的限制, 预算, priorities and even differences of opinion,她解释道.


That’s an aspect Ioana speaks to too. “I’ve always enjoyed puzzles and detective stories, 所以我对这个角色最感兴趣的是解决问题的那一面. Sometimes you need to go around looking for information, sometimes you have to use what little you have and make the most out of it, it can be quite different from project to project,她说。.

How do you get into backend engineering?

As could be expected, backend engineering is a fairly technical role. Most people enter the field through a STEM degree.

例如,尼克森学的是计算机科学,而拉吉夫一开始学的是经典工程. And when Ioana was asked about her background, 她的回答是, “I didn’t choose the backend life – the backend life chose me.” Her degree was in Computer Systems Engineering with Business Management, but towards the end of her studies she focused on software engineering.

然而,她强调的是,她在工作中学到了多少东西. 在她被认证为Scrum Master之后,这一点也得到了巩固. “它教会了我从一个项目到另一个项目采用最佳实践来改进工作方式的重要性,她说。.

When asked for his advice for aspiring backend engineers, 拉吉夫 says they need to start with their mindset. “A willingness to learn is vital, 因为科技总是在变化,你也需要根据你所关注的内容来更新你的知识,他说.

Ioana还建议使用c#或Java等面向对象编程语言,为自己感兴趣的东西做一个小项目. “You can read up on SOLID principles, 设计模式和可持续的软件工程,并在进行过程中应用这些知识,她说。.

When it comes to information and resources, Nickson mentions Hacker 新闻 as one of his favourite resources. 他说,这是一个了解科技世界最新动态的好地方. 他还建议学习一门后端编程语言,比如Java或Kotlin.

爱荷华也强调开放学习和成长的重要性. “你需要尽你最大的努力,如果你没有达到自己的期望, learn from your failures,她说。.

这种心态会让你在整个职业生涯中受益匪浅. I feel like technical knowledge can be built over time with practice, 但行为需要更长的时间,而且会对工作环境产生巨大影响,她总结道。.

Interested in a Backend Career?

如果你喜欢编码和解决问题,那么后端工程师的职业生涯就是一个很好的选择. And at Zühlke, you also get exposure to a range of different projects. That’s something that 拉吉夫 particularly appreciates.

“Working here has really helped me to broaden my understanding, and find out what I really like doing,他说. If this kind of flexibility, along with a combination of technical and creative thinking appeals to you, get in touch to find out more about openings on the Zühlke team.

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