z<s:1> hlke的体验设计/ UX / UI

“经历对人类很重要. 因此,体验设计对企业来说至关重要.”

这是一个非常简单的陈述. 而是Tijana Tasich, Consulting Director for Experience Design at Zühlke unpacks this, it is clear that this takes a lot of consideration to truly get it right. 在本文中, 我们和本·布兰德和李·加德纳一起采访了提贾娜, 都是UX设计师, 让他们了解自己的领域, 以及为什么它是我们在z hlke工作的重要组成部分.

Tijana Tasich, z<s:1> hlke体验设计咨询总监 Ben Brand,资深用户体验设计师

Tijana, Experience Design Director     Ben, Lead UX Consultant         Li, Principal UX Consultant


  • Experience Designers represent the voice of the customer throughout the project, 确保最终结果满足他们的需求.
  • 体验设计师来自不同的背景, 比如用户体验, UI, 或者用户研究, and many skills from other careers are transferrable if the individual has the right mindset.
  • Not all Experience Design is focused on digital tools – some specialists focus on designing systems and processes to make sure every touchpoint works well for a customer.


唐·诺曼和雅各布·尼尔森, 该领域的专家, explain that Experience Design is something that “[encompasses] all aspects of the end-user’s interaction with the company, 它的服务, 及其产物.“在z hlke,一些主要的专业包括:

  • 用户研究: gathering insights from the kinds of people the product or service will impact.
  • 用户体验(UX): 设计客户与产品的交互方式.
  • 用户界面(UI): designing the look and feel of the digital interface customer engages with.
  • 服务设计: designing end-to-end services, including orchestrating processes, people and infrastructure.


Companies in all industries are looking at ways to become more customer centric. 这是目前商业领域的当务之急之一. Experience Design is a vital tool to achieve this because it focusses on the design process around the people who will use the product or service. “We help businesses to refocus and understand who their customers are, 然后让他们的产品适合这些人,本解释道。.

Experience Design is about ensuring that the entire customer journey is considered, 包括用户体验和用户界面. “这就像为他们写一个故事,”提嘉纳说. “如果从头到尾都是连贯的, it means you’ve thought of all the touchpoints from their point of view.” This is relevant for many reasons, but for one it simply makes commercial sense. 李解释道, “When you create a good relationship between the customer and the business, it drives sustainability – that’s the value we provide at Zühlke.”


Experience Designers start a project with a conversation about what needs to be done and why. 一旦这种理解到位, they are able to provide strategic input the whole way through a development process to ensure that every decision that is made will result in a more useful outcome for the customer.

Our User Researchers and UX and UI Designers work in cross-functional teams with Technology Specialists, 来自客户端的业务分析师和利益相关者, 还有主题专家. “We bring the customer-focused lens to complex problems and make sure we craft a solution that considers their needs,李说。. 这也不会在设计阶段结束. 李继续解释道, “We’re including the customer voice at every point in the project cycle so that the product actually works for humans at the end of the day.”

作为一名体验设计师, you spend a lot of time sifting through data to distil meaningful insights. “过滤的能力很重要,”本说. “你需要消除很多噪音, 处理大量的反馈, 如果事情不顺利,准备好放手,他继续说道。. The perspective a User Experience Designer or Researcher brings can also reframe the brief for the entire project. “We use research to go under the surface to potentially find what the customer really needs – to get to the root of it. Then we use the insight to drive design to generate value to both customers and business,李解释道。. The answer to this question could be different to what a business assumes, but that is how you are able to offer real value to your customers.


体验设计解决了人类的需求, 通过一些培训, this field is open to anyone who is interested and able to combine designing for human behaviour with existing expertise. 在Zuhlke, 我们有来自艺术界的体验设计师, 工程, and business management backgrounds: Ben started out in Graphic Design, 和李在艺术上, before they both moved on to focus on UX and entered the field from there. Tijana on the other hand had been working in a wide variety of roles in digital strategy and production for 20 years before specialising in design strategy and service design.

那么,有抱负的体验设计师应该从哪里开始呢? Tijana的建议是从研究设计思维开始, 你是否能在网上获得一些免费的材料, 或者选择更正式的课程. 她还强调了培养同理心的重要性. “What I mean by that is you should brush up on your observation and listening skill to try to put yourself in the shoes of other people,她说。.


Experience Design by its nature benefits from a diversity of perspectives, so the Zühlke team is open to conversations with individuals from a range of backgrounds with transferrable skills.

Experience Design is a career that ultimately has a very real impact on the world. The decisions they shape show up in the products and services people use every day. 如果你被好奇心驱使, 很高兴能有这样的影响力, 那么你可能适合从事这个领域的工作. Get in touch to find out more and enquire about open roles in our Experience Design team.

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