Software Engineer Seda at work in the Zuhlke office

科技行业的职业生涯总是在召唤着他. 在色达九岁时的日记里, her dream was to be a ‘Computer Scientist’ – an ambition that started when she learned simple code from her father. 

“My dad did his PhD in Computer Science and he was so passionate about it,塞达解释道。, z hlke的专业软件工程师. “Playing tech was a cool bonding thing we did that the rest of the family didn’t understand. He would show me stuff like HTML, some Java - fixing what was wrong in the code. It was a hobby and I always knew STEM was going to be my thing.”


But after her studies then came the interview process and the sometimes daunting search for a job – often starting with graduate recruitment days. Seda discovered that there were definitely enough jobs up for grabs, but that some of the recruitment experiences left her not wanting to work for particular organizations – despite the role being perfect on paper.

“所有公司都说不存在歧视. In practice, there’s a lot of unconscious bias during the interview process,” Seda admits. “Often, I could only see men as company representatives. 这同样适用于作为一个黑人. I had one employer say that they liked the diversity I’d bring, without mention of my skills. 我觉得我是一个打勾练习的一部分. 但当我来到z克, there was a good mix of friendly people who made me feel welcome – and I walked away wanting to be part of the team.”

The Zühlke experience: A conversation, not a cross-examination

Seda形容面试本身很紧张, but enjoyable – not a typical adjective for what is often a nerve-racking experience. 在一次畅所欲言的谈话之后, 感觉像是在和导师聊天, her interviewer gave her a book on design patterns – and even offered a different job to the one she’d come in for, 哪个更符合她的兴趣.

“The way you’re treated during an interview process gives you an insight into how you’ll be treated as an employee,Seda建议道。. “If you feel intimidated or diminished, that’s a warning sign. You need to find the right fit for you and not be pigeon-holed early on. During some interviews, I felt pressured to declare the professional path I wanted to go down. But it’s good to be flexible; you don’t want to close yourself off from unknown opportunities early on. My Zühlke interviewer took time to really get to know me and steered me towards a software engineering career. 他是对的.”

zhlke入职:见面,问候 & 桌上足球

Seda的第一周很受欢迎,充满活力. 很多会面和问候, plenty of 桌上足球 – and even a lunch with Wolfgang, 首席执行官, involving “super chilled” chats about Zambia (where Seda is originally from) and, 当然, some geeking out over tech – which is also Wolfgang’s background and passion. 对丝绸, Zuhlke有点, open culture and playful mindset struck her on day one and has been there ever since.

“Office gossip is just not a thing here; I think that’s rare. 这都是全球最大的博彩平台员工的. 我们被问到:你的兴趣是什么? 你认为你的事业将走向何方? 你的心理健康怎么样? During lockdown I was struggling a bit and my line manager told me to take the day off. When I said I was worried about letting my project team down, 他让我休息两天! 在这里,人们总是支持你.”

Personal growth and development: Inspired to learn

The caring approach includes not making employees work on projects that don’t inspire them – and investing 10 percent of Zühlke’s annual turnover back into people development. 对丝绸, that investment has involved Android and iOS training – whether through online courses, conferences or graduate upskilling initiatives with senior engineers.

And there are many other opportunities to learn – including ‘brown bag’ or ‘lightning talk’ lunches, zhkees在那里谈论什么, 不仅仅是工作. 尽管我是个内向的人, 去年, Seda spoke to her colleagues about racism at the time of black lives matter protests. 

“我在z学到了很多东西. I was very shy to begin with and I would always second-guess myself. 随时给予鼓励和帮助, I’ve grown a lot in my technical – and non-technical – skills. I am still an introvert, but I have come out of my shell a lot.”

Being comfortable bringing her whole self to work is a big part of the Zühlke experience. 它体现在每天的工作和宾果游戏中, 游戏之夜和年度夏令营, 团队在哪里聚在一起开发创意, 提高他们的技能, 和同事交流. This year it’s off to the Lake District in Cumbria. 收拾好帽子和围巾,色达!


我们2022年夏季的毕业生职位现在开放! Browse our career page and apply now to find your future at Zühlke: http://www.zuehlke.com/en/careers/find-your-job?experiences[]=105

