
GFT 集团 continues to grow, upgrades earnings guidance

  • 集团收入 前九个月 明显提高: + 34%
  • Disproportionately strong 集团 EBT 增长: + 70%; 调整后的息税前利润 + 37%
  • Diversification continues: Insurance sector +51 percent, Industry & 其他+ 51%; 进一步 增长 in 核心市场银行业务: + 27%
  • Position in global labour market strengthened:进一步 headcount 增长 (+19 percent), more than 10,000 experts active around the world
  • 集团收入 guidance 2022 确认: 7.3亿欧元; earnings guidance 2022 upgraded: 集团 EBT 6600万欧元, adjusted 集团 EBITDA 8700万欧元
  • GFT UK grew revenue by 23% year-on-year.
  • 截至2022年9月30日, GFT UK employed a total of 265 people (full-time equivalents), corresponding to year-on-year 增长 of 24% percent (30 September 2021: 214).

Taking the UK as an example, GFT’s latest 银行业务中断指数 illustrates just how high the pressure is on banks to offer cutting-edge digital services: 67 percent of customers prefer to use digital channels rather than visiting a branch in person. However, many banks are still working with IT systems that are decades old and incapable of helping them meet customer expectations. Consequently, the entire financial sector is investing huge sums in IT.

Against this backdrop, global GFT 集团 继续 它的 动态增长 in the third quarter of 2022. 整体, the company increased revenue by 34 percent in the first nine months; 集团 EBT rose even faster by 70 percent compared to the same period last year, and adjusted 集团 EBITDA by 37 percent. 这 增长 continues to be driven by high demand from all sectors for digitalisation solutions based on new technologies. GFT 集团 was able to 进一步 expand 它的 market position, especially in the Americas and the Asia-Pacific region. GFT 集团 also provided support for transformation projects in Europe, such as the French mutual insurer Macif’s migration of 它的 largest business line to Guidewire InsuranceSuite on the cloud.

“Modern IT systems are an important competitive factor for banks, insurers and industrial companies. 这 is why digitalisation projects are being implemented even during such difficult economic times,Jochen Ruetz博士说, 首席财务官. “GFT has firmly established 它的elf as a competent technology partner for complex transformation projects. Our excellent order position enables us to focus on high-margin projects. We expect our business to make 进一步 strong progress, especially with fast-growing new technologies.”

On 20 October 2022, GFT 集团 上调预测 for the current financial year税前利润 预计上升到 6600万欧元 (previously EUR 60 million, previous year EUR 40 million) and 调整后的息税前利润 to 8700万欧元 (previously EUR 81 million, previous year EUR 65 million). The revenue forecast remained unchanged at EUR 730 million.

Carlton Hopper, UK Managing Director at GFT, added: “Our strategy for the UK continues to focus on delivering transformational technology projects 为我们的客户. Demand for IT modernisation support continues to grow in the UK and our 24% increase in headcount is reflective of that. As a result, the UK contributed to the 集团 results, with a 23% 增长 in UK revenue.”

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