
新的2000万英镑生命科学基金启动,以支持大全球最大的博彩平台的中小企业, Cheshire And Warrington

  •         ‘GMC Life Sciences Fund by Praetura’ aims to bolster Greater Manchester and 柴郡和沃灵顿’s flourishing life sciences sector.

  •         该基金, 由Bruntwood sciitech等合作伙伴筹集, Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and 柴郡和沃灵顿本地企业合作伙伴关系(LEP), 将由总部位于全球最大的博彩平台的Praetura Ventures.

  •         该基金 will be launched with an initial £20m with the aim of supporting innovation and growing the region’s knowledge economy, creating more skilled jobs and helping businesses to expand internationally.

The ‘GMC Life Sciences Fund By Praetura’ - a partnership between Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA), 柴郡和沃灵顿本地企业合作伙伴关系(LEP), Bruntwood sciitech和Praetura Ventures将合并资本, 专业知识和资源来帮助大全球最大的博彩平台的被投资公司, 柴郡和沃灵顿.

GMCA已向该基金承诺1000万英镑, whilst 柴郡和沃灵顿LEP and Bruntwood SciTech have both committed £5m to continue to build on the North West’s world-leading cluster of clinical, 学术和商业生命科学资产, 公司和专业知识.

The ‘GMC Life Sciences Fund By Praetura’ will offer investment of £50k-£2m to early-stage businesses and SMEs that are located in Greater Manchester, 柴郡或沃灵顿, 或者那些承诺将业务转移到那里的公司. 该基金 will be launched with an initial £20m with the aim of supporting innovation, creating more skilled jobs and helping businesses to expand internationally. 

As the UK’s leading property provider dedicated to driving the growth of the science and technology sector Bruntwood SciTech, 这是房地产公司Bruntwood和Legal的合作伙伴关系 & General, plays a critical role in facilitating growth of the life sciences sector. As well as offering world-class office and lab space and a range of scientific services, Bruntwood SciTech provide specialist business support to the science and tech businesses based at their 11 campuses across the UK offering unrivalled direct access to highly-skilled STEM talent, 新市场, 指导, 以及GMC生命科学基金等基金.

As a northern-centric venture capital investor, Praetura Ventures will manage the fund. 同时注入资金, Praetura Ventures will support the investee companies through dedicated resources, including Praetura’s celebrated operational partner programme - which supports promising founders with additional expertise and mentoring from industry experts - and bespoke portfolio toolkit. 

西北生命科学部门目前雇佣了超过28名员工,是知识经济增长的关键支柱. It is recognised locally and nationally as a leading example of collaboration between research, academic spin outs and private commercialisation and is home to globally renowned universities and companies, 快速增长的创业企业. 

全球最大的博彩平台市长安迪·伯纳姆, 他在圆形广场的基金发布会上发表讲话, said:  “The region’s life sciences sector continues to turn heads on the global stage, living up to our heritage of consistently pioneering and generating world-firsts.

“The pandemic thrust the life science sector’s contribution into the public eye and made us understand the impact it can have on our lives. This fund’s aim is to find, fund and scale the next generation of life science entrepreneurs. It will help grow the sector and create opportunities for key stakeholders across Greater Manchester, 柴郡和沃灵顿.

“这是我们如何支持企业创新和成长的一个例子. Greater Manchester is a great place to set up a business in sectors like life sciences, 由于其庞大的多元化人才库和相对较低的运营成本. Through Innovation Greater Manchester we will be continuing to create the right environment for enterprise and innovation to thrive.”

克莱尔·海沃德MBE, DL, 椅子, 柴郡和沃灵顿LEP, said: “The GMC Life Sciences Fund will be warmly welcomed by the fast growing entrepreneurial businesses in the life sciences sector who are delivering ground-breaking science. This is a big step towards our vision to be a global leader in the full life sciences cycle.”

大卫·福尔曼, Praetura Ventures的总经理, said: “We are committed to helping the founders of start-ups in the life sciences sector to build the best business they can. 与GMCA合作, 布朗伍德科技,柴郡和沃灵顿LEP, we are uniquely placed to help the innovators who are changing the sector for the better, 不仅仅是因为他们需要发展的资金, 而是通过为他们的团队提供专门的支持, 网络和资源.”

克里斯Oglesby, Bruntwood sciitech执行主席, 他说:“西北地区拥有真正充满活力的生命科学部门, 因其培养的人才和创新而受到全球认可. This powerful ecosystem can support the translation of ground-breaking science and research into successful, 长期可扩展的业务. It is as a direct result of long-term partnerships between public and private sector organisations that the sector continues to thrive, enabling opportunities for life science businesses to gain direct access to research, 人才和NHS加速他们的成长, and we very much look forward to supporting the next generation of life science entrepreneurs with this fund.”

该基金于24日启动th 2022年5月,在Bruntwood科学技术的No.位于全球最大的博彩平台创新区中心的圆形广场1号, 将整个行业的利益相关者聚集在一起. 新的投资将在今年晚些时候宣布. 

