



Katy Hazley, People and Finance Manager

Can you tell us a bit about Summize and its culture?

Summize是世界上第一个集成合同生命周期管理(CLM)软件, 通过数字化和自动化合同及其流程,使合同工作流程更智能,速度提高85%.

Summize was established in 2018, 这意味着我们处于一个独特的位置,可以从头开始创造我们的公司文化. It has been refined around the acronym GROW (Growth mindset, 尊重别人的人, 一个团队, 必胜意志), which helps our employees know the behaviours we value and promote. 

One common theme across our culture is also the idea of continuous improvement. 我们鼓励企业每月提出并实施1%的改进,以鼓励持续增长和发展, and the winner of the best suggestion even gets a bonus! 

峰会坚持以人为本,坚持多角度看世界. 我们具有包容性,通过DEI课程积极拥抱和促进多样性, as part of which we host regular meetings and activities throughout the year. 


How does the company go above and beyond to attract and retain tech talent?

每位参会者每年都会获得400英镑的个人学习和福利基金,用于福利和发展. This could include gym membership, 在线学习课程, 健康饮食订阅, 或者很多其他的选择! We also have a work-from-anyw在这里 policy, 在顶峰工作一年以上的员工每年可以在世界任何地方工作一个月. 

我们也非常关注员工的心理健康,并保持工作与生活的平衡, so we have a company-wide subscription to Calm, alongside a generous sickness and mental health day policy.

While many offices have discarded their physical office, we have just invested in a new, larger space on Portland Street. The office contains several communal spaces (including a treehouse!) that harness collaboration and in-person meetings. 我们提供混合工作,但每个人都喜欢来到办公室,和彼此在一起. 这也是一个对狗友好的办公室,所以我们有很多宠物来照亮你的一天!

To ensure we’re listening to our employees, 我们还发送季度员工敬业度调查,并将反馈纳入我们的计划. 每位与会者还参加每季度的GROW会议,讨论进展和发展.

What does the future look like for the company and its employees?

The future is bright for Summize. 我们在过去的12个月里取得了令人难以置信的成功,今年晚些时候甚至还将在美国开设办事处. Each team is constantly growing and evolving, 在有机和可持续的水平上增加每个部门的人员编制.

It is an incredibly exciting time for the business. We are solving a genuine business problem for our customers in a red-hot market, and the opportunities to be a part of our journey are endless!

Kyle Schmidt, Customer Success Manager

Can you describe your role at the company?

As a Customer Success Manager at Summize, 我负责确保我们的客户满意并从sumize获得价值. 我喜欢与我的客户建立密切的关系,并从帮助他们解决合同生命周期中的问题中获得很多满足感. 

What was it about the organisation that attracted you to the role?

在Summize工作真正吸引我的一点是,我有机会在团队中建立自己的流程,并真正掌握自己的角色. 我被鼓励为自己的客户负责,同时得到更广泛团队的支持.

I also wanted to work at Summize because CLM is a huge market. 传统上, lawyers were very wary of adopting legal tech, but they are now realising its value and potential within their business. I enjoy guiding new clients through this journey, especially if it’s the first legal software they’ve used.

在我的角色中,我的kpi是基于我的客户的快乐和满意度,这是一个巨大的动力. 我与Summize的各个部门合作,以确保我的客户取得成功,并获得最好的体验. It is great to work closely with the entire business; it always feels like we’re working towards a common goal.

And I can’t forget about the culture! The office is brand new and has great spaces for collaboration and meetings, everyone genuinely enjoys being together. And, of course, I get to bring in my Corgi, Odin!

Can you describe the onboarding process you’ve experienced?

The onboarding process at Summize is fantastic. 第一天上班, I had a pre-planned timetable for the week ahead, 其中包括与每个部门的负责人会面,了解业务的各个方面.

sumize还会举办季度业务回顾和启动活动,整个业务人员会在每个季度聚集在一起讨论成功和关键的经验教训, 接着是社交活动. I was invited to attend a QBR before my start date, 这是一个在轻松的环境中了解更多业务和认识同事的好机会吗. 在我开始之前,它确实让我和每个人都感觉更自在!


Zoe Peterkin, Head of Marketing

Can you describe your role at the company?

My role involves managing and running the Summize Marketing Team. 作为营销主管, I lead the day-to-day operations, 我还特别关注市场数据分析,以确定我们团队的绩效和潜在客户的质量. I am also responsible for the organisation’s SEO performance and website upkeep.

我于2020年2月十大正规博彩网站评级顶峰,担任营销经理,并于2021年1月晋升为营销主管. I have maintained that position as we’ve grown over the past two years.

You’ve been at the company for several years. Can you tell me what has kept you at the company for so long?


The biggest reason would be the people at Summize, particularly my team. 每个人都非常有动力,我们从彼此身上学到很多东西,但我们也有很多乐趣. T在这里’s a reason that we’ve got an office in the city centre! Having many very bright and ambitious people in one place, all working toward the same goal, 非常有激励作用.

我们的CEO和联合创始人, 汤姆·邓洛普, is also a very inspirational leader, but he's very down-to-earth and approachable, which you don’t always get at every company. 他活在Summize,工作努力,真诚地关心每一个Summize.

另一件让我留在顶峰的事情是我从这个角色中获得的经验. No two days are ever the same, 我学到了很多在大公司永远不会接触到的领域的知识. 实际上,我每天都期待着来上班,并从我完成的每个项目中获得巨大的满足感. 

What would you say to a person considering joining the company?

If you want to be part of a company on an incredible growth journey, see what positions we have available! If you're driven and ambitious, 想要在科技圈扬名立万,想要和很多鼓舞人心的人一起工作, then Summize is the place for you. 

你必须准备好以快速的速度努力工作,但你肯定会因此得到回报. 这对任何一个积极主动的人来说都是一个绝佳的机会,可以真正发挥自己的作用.

To find out more about careers at Summize, click 在这里.

