

In fact, I strongly believe if anything will one day save the world from itself, it will be design. 

The one thing about design process that has never really sat well with me is ‘design by committee’ and the common tendency to over-think the problem. Having never been a fan of brainstorming for this reason, I have always favoured doing over talking. I wrongly (yes that is an admission), associated design sprints with this way of working. 

Many of you who have participated in a brainstorm will know the drill. The most confident and opinionated people in the room (like myself), tend to dominate the conversation and cajole others into their way of thinking. 与此同时,声音较小的, 房间里不那么自信的人, 谁的意见同样有价值, tend to get overlooked or shot down early on in the process. It was this inequality that always frustrated me. 和, 尽管我可能是原因之一, it would always annoy me when someone didn’t have an opinion and speak up. 结果是, you leave the room feeling you hadn’t really achieved anything beyond what you already knew. 

I have always thought the best ideas were the vision of one insightful individual with the drive and passion to go out there and realise it. The Steve 工作 and Elon Musks of the world have always fascinated me. 他们有一个愿景, 一个梦想, a mission and they single-handedly dragged themselves, 以及他们周围的人, 冲向终点线. 当然, 这一点也不准确, most of the great visionary thinkers and leaders, had teams of talented people behind the wizard’s curtain helping them realise their dreams. Steve 工作 didn’t invent the iPod and Elon Musk isn’t a rocket scientist, 但他是太空旅行的先驱. But it is a more romantic notion to convince ourselves they do most of it themselves. For this reason alone I have always dismissed design sprints as ‘all talk, and no trousers’. 

引用这句话, ‘a camel is a racehorse designed by a committee’ ringing in my ears, I always duck out of brainstorming when the opportunity presents itself. Design by committee is never a good thing in my opinion, 但设计冲刺不是这样的例子.

Having recently been reintroduced to the concept of ‘sprinting’ on a business amplification course, 留下深刻印象, 我决定深入研究. Armed with a reading list I devoured book after book, starting with 冲刺 by 杰克克纳普, who developed and perfected the Design 冲刺 Methodology during his time working in Silicon Valley at Google Ventures. 然后我接着说  黑客增长 by Morgan Brown and Sean Ellis as a main course, and 反叛的想法 马修·赛义德的甜点. These 3 books completely changed my perspective on the group idea generation process.

The Design 冲刺 Methodology focuses on structured thinking and controlling the thought process. The workshops or ‘sprints’ are designed to replace unstructured discussion with a clear process. They are organised and the noting and voting process is more democratic, 消除畅所欲言的恐惧障碍. They allow teams to filter through the noise and make well informed decisions, fast.

A successful sprint will take teams in previously unimaginable directions and tease amazing ideas out of the most unlikely people in the room. 这个过程是一个非常强大的变革推动者. People leave feeling empowered and motivated, and that is why I really love them. They force even the least creative people to have ideas and solve problems with design thinking.

That is why design by committee doesn’t apply here. Design sprints are all about getting as much expert or well-informed input as possible, 在实现输出之前. It is about building a strong foundation for your vision, to give it the best chance of success. 它不仅证实了你的方向, 它可以帮助你调整重心, before you waste time and money taking the wrong path. Nobody wants to waste millions developing and marketing a brand, product or service that nobody actually wants or needs.

这就是为什么…… 真理 we now utilise the Design 冲刺 Methodology as part of all our existing 品牌研讨会 to make them more structured, and most importantly, more effective. We work with brands to assemble the right team for the sprint and help achieve the best possible outcome. We facilitate and guide them through the disciplined process that not only identifies new ideas, but also plans efficient ways to implement them, 快速有效.

结果是, 我们的作品仍然很吸引人, but we get there as a team and avoid expensive misdirection. 这就是为什么我们不再头脑风暴,而是冲刺.

If you are a business or organisation that struggles to make the right decisions quickly talk to us about how one of our 真理实验室设计冲刺S可以帮助你.


